Water Margin. Shi Naian

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Water Margin - Shi Naian

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to discuss a matter with me.” Li Xiao-er agreed to do this, and went straightway to the jail, and very soon returned with the two men.

      Upon meeting, the superintendent of the jail said that he was not aware of having met the officer before, and asked for his name.

      The officer replied that he had a letter which would explain matters, but suggested that they should first have a drink.

      Li Xiao-er opened the bottles of wine, and placed vegetables, fruit, and wine on the table. The officer poured out the wine, and offered it to the guests, and they then all sat down. Li Xiao-er bustled about as busy as a shuttle in a loom. The soldier who was with the officer asked Li to bring some hot water, so that he could warm the wine himself. But after they had drunk about ten cups of wine they again summoned Li Xiao-er to bring some more wine. The officer also told him that they would keep the wine warm themselves, and that he need not come again unless summoned, as they had some private business to discuss. Li Xiao-er therefore went to the door, and talked with his wife. He told her that the two men who had just arrived were not quite straightforward.

      His wife asked what had given him that impression.

      Li Xiao-er said, “According their pronunciation these men are evidently from the Eastern Capital, but the superintendent has not met them before. And when I served them with wine I heard the officer mention the name of Marshal Gao Qiu. I therefore think that their business has something to do with Lin Chong. So I will stand at the door here, and watch them while you go behind the partition where they sit and listen to their conversation.”

      His wife said, “You had better go to the jail, and tell Lin Chong to come here, and see whether he knows the officer.”

      Li Xiao-er said, “You do not know that Lin Chong is very quick-tempered, and he might want to kill the man, or burn the place down. And if it is that officer Lu Qian whom he told us about a few days ago how could he keep quiet? If there was any row we should be implicated. So you go and listen, and afterwards we will decide what to do.”

      His wife agreed to this, and went off to listen. After a while she returned and said, “Those four men are exchanging confidential whispers so that I cannot make out what they are talking about. But the officer took a bundle and handed it to the superintendent. That might be some silver or gold. The superintendent then said, ‘I will be responsible for this affair, and see that he is killed.’”

      Just then the men called out for more soup. Li Xiao-er hurried forward and supplied fresh soup and rice. While doing this he saw that the superintendent had a letter in his hand. When the bills had been settled the superintendent and the head jailer departed, and the officer and his soldier soon followed suit.

      Very soon afterwards Lin Chong entered the restaurant, and asked Li Xiao-er how business had been during the last few days. Li Xiao-er asked him to sit down as he had a very important matter to speak to him about. He said, “Just now an officer has arrived from the Eastern Capital who does not appear to be straight, and he invited the jail superintendent and head jailer to have wine with him here. While they were here I heard the officer mention the name of Marshal Gao and that made me suspicious, and I told my wife to listen behind the partition. But they whispered in each others’ ears so much that my wife could not hear what they said. But she did hear the superintendent of the jail say that he would be responsible and would see that the man was killed. The officer also handed a bundle of silver or gold to the jail superintendent and head jailer, and after drinking some more wine they departed. Do you know who the officer is? I suspect and am also afraid that this will result in some trouble for you.”

      Lin Chong asked what the officer’s appearance was like.

      “He is a man of short build, has a fair complexion, no mustache, and looks about thirty years of age. The soldier with him is also short of stature, but has a swarthy complexion.”

      Lin Chong upon hearing this was startled. “That officer is certainly Lu Qian, and that mean rascal has come here to injure me. But should I meet him I will beat his bones and flesh into pulp.”

      “But you must be on your guard against him. Have you not heard that ancient saying, ‘When eating beware of belching; when walking beware of falling’?”

      Lin Chong was very angry, went to the street and bought a dagger which he hid on his person, and searched for that officer in all the streets and alleys.

      Both Li Xiao-er and his wife were quite alarmed, but that evening nothing happened. But the next morning Lin Chong rose very early, and after washing and cleaning his teeth, took his dagger, and again searched for Lu Qian in all the lanes and alleyways both inside and outside of Cangzhou city. All was quiet inside the jail.

      Lin Chong spoke to Li Xiao-er, “Nothing has happened today.”

      Li Xiao-er said, “My benefactor, we hope that things will remain like this but you must still be extremely careful.”

      Lin Chong returned to the Heavenly Kings Temple for the night. During the next five days he continued his search for Lu Qian without success, and his keenness for revenge gradually disappeared.

      On the sixth day the superintendent summoned Lin Chong to come to the place where the roll of prisoners was generally called, and said to him, “You have been here a long time, but we have not promoted you in spite of the influence of Squire Chai Jin. About five li outside the Eastern Gate there is a forage depot for the army. Every month we receive hay and fodder. There is an old soldier there who manages the depot, and you can exchange duties with him, and perhaps make some extra money for yourself. You can go with the head jailer, and take over the new duty.”

      Lin Chong replied that he would go. He then left the prison, and went to Li Xiao-er’s place. Where he asked them what they thought of the new arrangement.

      Li Xiao-er said that the new job was much better than looking after the temple, as he could make money. And previously anybody who got that position had to bribe the superintendent.

      “But instead of injuring me he is giving me a better job. I cannot understand this move.”

      Li Xiao-er said, “Well, you need not be suspicious, because if there is no trouble it will be very fine. That place is a long way from here, but when I have time I will go and see you.” He got some wine, and offered it to Lin Chong. When they separated Lin Chong went back to the Heavenly Kings Temple, packed up his bundle, and took his dagger and a long spear. He then took leave of the superintendent, and departed with the head jailer, for the forage depot. The weather was extremely cold with a clouded sky. A cold wind was blowing from the north and snow was falling heavily. On the way there was no inn where they could stop for a drink of wine, and they soon reached the depot. There was a mud wall running round the inclosure, and a large gate with two leaves. Pushing the gate open they saw inside about eight sheds for beans, etc., many stacks of hay on all sides, and two rooms for the caretaker. When they came to the caretaker’s rooms they found the old soldier warming his hands at the fire.

      The head jailer said, “The superintendent has sent this man Lin Chong to take over your duties, and you are to perform his duties at the Heavenly Kings Temple. So you can hand over the place immediately.”

      The old soldier took the keys, and said to Lin Chong, “The officials have sealed up the doors of the sheds containing the fodder, but you had better count the number of stacks of hay.” After doing this they returned to the living quarters. The old soldier then got his baggage together, and when leaving he said, “I will lend you the stove, the rice boiler, the cups and saucers.”

      Lin Chong said he had such things at the Heavenly Kings Temple,

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