Water Margin. Shi Naian

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Water Margin - Shi Naian

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them. Now are you willing to have a bout with Zhou Jin so that I can see your skill and whether you are suitable for a commission? If you defeat Zhou Jin you can have his rank and duties.”

      “As you, my benefactor, ask me to do this I must do it,” said Yang Zhi.

      Grand Secretary Liang then gave orders for a mail suit of armor, suitable arms, and a horse to be placed at Yang Zhi’s disposal, while he was fencing with Zhou Jin. Yang Zhi went to the rear of the platform, and put on the armor and helmet which had been presented to him the night previously. He took a bow, an arrow, and with a sword at his side, and a spear in his hand, he mounted a horse and rode forth.

      Grand Secretary Liang then gave orders that Yang Zhi and Zhou Jin must fence first with spears only.

      Upon hearing this Zhou Jin was angry, and said, “This banished criminal! He dares to fence with me!”

      Who could know that Yang Zhi was also extremely angry at having to fence with Zhou Jin.

      At the tourney Yang Zhi was famous,

      Soon in army none so dangerous.

      We will now relate how this fencing match turned out.

      CHAPTER 12

       The Urgent Vanguard Strives for Merit at the Parade Ground; the Blue Faced Brute Takes Part in the Military Sports

      YANG ZHI and Zhou Jin were mounted on their horses, but while waiting at the foot of the flagpole for the signal to start the staff officer Wen Da shouted out, “Wait a bit!” He then went to Grand Secretary Liang on the platform and said to him, “Sir, we do not yet know what skill these two men have in military sports, but their arms are dangerous weapons suitable for killing thieves and exterminating bandits. I am afraid that today somebody may be seriously wounded—a slight blow might cripple a man for life whereas a serious blow might kill a man, and that would not be for the good of the army. So I beg to suggest that the spikes should be removed from the spears, and replaced by the felt. Then they should both wear black dress. The felt knobs on the spears should then be rubbed in lime dust so that they would leave a mark on the clothing for each hit, and the man who has the most white marks will be the loser.”

      “That is a sensible proposal,” said the Grand Secretary Liang. Orders were given accordingly.

      Upon receiving the order the two horsemen retired behind the platform, where the spikes were removed from their spears and replaced by the knobs of felt. They rubbed these knobs well with lime dust, and put on some black clothing. When this had been done they remounted, and rode round to the drill ground.

      Zhou Jin urged his horse forward to fight with Yang Zhi, and the latter did the same. They both dashed past each other, returned again, backwards and forwards many times, thrusting and parrying as they passed. After about fifty of these passages at arms Zhou Jin had so many white spots on his clothes that he looked as though somebody had thrown bean curd at him whereas Yang Zhi had only one single white spot under his left shoulder.

      Grand Secretary Liang was much pleased at this, and summoning Zhou Jin he spoke to him; ‘‘My predecessor gave you a commission as Lieutenant, but I think your military skill is of poor quality as you have been beaten in this way. So how can you fight anywhere and continue to receive a Lieutenant’s salary?” He then summoned Yang Zhi, and gave him the position of Zhou Jin.

      Just then General Li Cheng arrived on the platform and reported to Grand Secretary Liang that Zhou Jin’s use of the spear was very poor, but as a mounted archer he was excellent. For that reason he must not be dismissed from his position, as the troops would be dissatisfied if that was done. Perhaps it would be better if Zhou Jin and Yang Zhi now contested as archers.

      Grand Secretary Liang thought that a good idea, and gave instructions accordingly.

      Upon receiving this order Zhou Jin and Yang Zhi both stuck their spears in the ground, and armed themselves with bows and arrows. Yang Zhi took the bow out of its case, adjusted the string, then raising it aloft he mounted his horse, and rode to the front of the platform where he saluted the Grand Secretary Liang by rising in his stirrups and said, “I am afraid, sir, that one of us may be wounded by an arrow, and I ask for your instructions in the matter.”

      Grand Secretary Liang said, “in military sports one should not display anxiety about wounds. If someone is killed by an arrow we shall not hold a court-martial.”

      Yang Zhi returned to the parade ground, and General Li Cheng then gave an order that each combatant should bear a rattan shield to protect his body from the arrows being shot.

      Both combatants took a shield and hung it on his shoulder. Yang Zhi then told his opponent that he could have three shots at him, and he would follow with three shots.

      Zhou Jin upon hearing this only wished that he could shoot an arrow that would go right through Yang Zhi’s body.

      On the other hand Yang Chin saw that Zhou Jin had no skill, and was not afraid of him.

      Just then the purple signaling flag was waved from the platform, and Yang Zhi urged his horse forward, and rode towards the south side. Zhou Jin followed him, and dropped the reins on the saddle. With the bow in his left hand, he took an arrow in his right hand aimed at Yang Zhi’s back and pulling the bow to its full extent and let fly the arrow.

      Yang Zhi heard the twang of the bow string, and immediately swung his body down resting entirety on one stirrup. The arrow flew past without touching him. Upon seeing that the arrow had missed its mark Zhou Jin was very much upset. He immediately took a second arrow out of his quiver, fitted it to his bow, took a steady aim at Yang Zhi’s back, and again let fly the arrow.

      Yang Zhi heard the arrow flying through the air, and taking his bow, turned round, and parried the arrow by a stroke of his bow. The arrow turned several somersaults ere it reached the ground.

      This made Zhou Jin more annoyed than ever. As Yang Zhi had now reached the extreme limit of the parade ground he wheeled his horse round, and galloped back to the platform. Zhou Jin also galloped back to the same spot, and there the two horses pranced about impatiently. Zhou Jin now took his third arrow from his quiver, fixed it carefully to the bowstring, and exerting his full strength, drew the bow to its full extent and shot the arrow again at Yang Zhi’s back. But Yang Zhi again heard the twang of the bowstring, and turning round in his saddle he caught the arrow with his hand as it flew past him. Then urging his horse forward he galloped to the front of the inspection platform and there threw the arrow on the ground.

      Upon seeing this feat of skill Grand Secretary Liang was much pleased, and gave an order that Yang Zhi must now shoot three arrows at Zhou Jin. The purple flag was again waved to signal that the sport was to continue.

      Zhou Jin threw down his bow, and taking his shield in his hand he urged his horse forward, and rode towards the southern part of the parade ground. Yang Zhi stooping forward in his saddle, urged his horse in the same direction. He then drew the string of his bow, without placing an arrow there, and let the bowstring, go. Zhou Jin hearing the twang of the bowstring, turned round, and held his shield to protect his body, but no arrow came. He thought that Yang Zhi might be good with a spear, but evidently he could not even shoot an arrow. He continued his course, and decided that if the second attempt was also a failure he would shout out, and claim a win. As he had now reached the limit of the parade ground he wheeled round, and returned to the platform again. Upon seeing this Yang Zhi also wheeled his horse round, and returned to the same spot. By that time Yang Zhi had taken an arrow out of his

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