Japanese Language. Haruhiko Kindaichi

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Japanese Language - Haruhiko Kindaichi

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southern islands and in the frigid northern regions. Kokugo Bunka Kza, Volume 6, entitled “The Japanese Language Expansion,” was edited at that time. It was expected that Japanese would naturally be admired as an ideal language. However, Shimomura Hiroshi, who played a leading part in the overseas expansion of Japanese culture at the time, said the following at the beginning of the book:

      The Japanese language is making great advances abroad, following the expansion of the nation. Although this is the natural result of the advance of the Japanese nation, it is for that reason that I hope the Japanese language will become clearer and more accurate. I keenly feel that it is exceedingly disorderly at the present time. Indeed, Japanese speech and the characters that express it are extremely irregular and complicated. Recently at a university in Berlin, a course in Japanese was given for two academic years,but, by the time they had graduated, the students, who numbered thirty at first, had decreased to one-tenth that number. Likewise, it is said that at Helsinki University in Finland, the more than twenty students who enrolled for the Japanese course when it was first given had gradually decreased until not one was left at the end of the third year.6

      We cannot say that Japanese is truly difficult just because it is difficult to teach to foreigners. In Europe, the Basque language is generally acknowledged to be difficult. It is the language of a small nation lying on the boundary between France and Spain. Legend has it that God, in punishing the Devil for the crime of tempting Eve, sent him away to the Basques with the command to master their language. After seven years, God, repentant for having dealt so severe a punishment, pardoned the Devil and called him back. The Devil rejoiced and immediately set out for home. The moment he crossed a certain bridge at the border, he completely forgot all of the Basque words which he had learned in seven years.7

      The reason for the difficulty of the Basque language for neighboring peoples is that it is far removed from other European languages. The real difficulty of Basque, therefore, must be discounted. Likewise, we cannot say that Japanese is truly difficult if it is difficult only for foreigners.

      After the war it was argued that one of the causes of Japan’s defeat was the intricacy of the Japanese language. Commander Spruance, who took Japan’s combined squadron by surprise in the Battle of Midway, is said to have acknowledged: “As Japanese is a language that lacks clarity, I thought confusion would surely arise in the transmission of instantaneous command, so I made a surprise attack.”8 An Asahi newspaper correspondent who collected data on the International Military Tribunal said: “Hearing the speeches in Japanese by Japan’s defense counsel and those in foreign languages in the same setting, I was left with the disagreeable but distinct impression that Japanese is no match for foreign languages.”

      We have to recognize that Japanese is difficult, but we need not lament that we are burdened with a troublesome language. A language is something created. Present-day German and French both have a great many created elements.

      Our predecessors have endeavored to reform the Japanese language. The establishment of many Japanese equivalents to foreign words at the beginning of the Meiji period (1868–1912) is a conspicuous example. Although this has, in some respects, led to difficulty in understanding Japanese, we have to recognize its merit in changing medieval Japanese into modern Japanese. When Ogata Tomio, a medical doctor, went to India and was asked by a professor of medicine at an Indian university, “In what language is medicine taught in Japan?” Ogata wondered what the professor was trying to say. He finally realized he was being asked, “Is medicine taught in English or in Japanese?”9 We may think that this was a very odd question, but during the Meiji period such ideas were common among the Japanese themselves. Until Fukuzawa Yukichi’s first speech in Japanese, it had been generally thought that one could not even make speeches in Japanese.10 Today, how ever, Japanese can hold its own among present world civilizations. Ogata says: “People say again and again that Japanese is imperfect, but it is fortunate, at any rate, that science can be handled quite accurately in Japanese.”

Kanji* and the revision of the use of kana. These reforms were made possible through the efforts of the People’s Federation of the Japanese Language Movement organized under Yamamoto Y
,11 the major driving force, and the Ministry of Education’s Japanese Language Section, the executive organ led by Kugimoto Hisaharu. All these reforms properly aimed at the simplification of Japanese. It is fitting that we, too, search out the areas where our language is deficient and devise possible means to correct them.

      Clear establishment of the nature of the Japanese language is essential to its improvement and will make for other benefits as well.

      Soon after the war, San’y

, a rakugo storyteller, was run over by an American jeep and died. A Japanese reported this to an American in English, translating word for word the Japanese jidsha ni butsukatte as “by running into the car.” That made the American stare in amazement and say, “Why would the man do such a stupid thing?” It is natural that he should ask such a question, for actually the jeep collided with Kash
, and not Kash
with the jeep. But in Japanese we use the same form, “Kash
ran into the jeep,” to describe both situations. This shows how English can be misused due to ignorance of the peculiarities of Japanese expressions. Thus, it is also desirable for us to understand the characteristics of Japanese in order to correctly translate Japanese into other languages.

      This knowledge of Japanese is also necessary in teaching Japanese to foreigners. Furthermore, one must not disregard the peculiarities of Japanese in applying educational theories written in foreign languages to Japanese schools.

      Again, a firm grasp of the characteristics of Japanese is important in discussing the genealogy and history of Japanese. Since Yasuda Tokutar

’s book Man’ysh no Nazo (The Riddle of the Man’y
)12 raised the question of the relationship between the Japanese language and the language of a small race of people called the Lepcha at the foot of the Himalayas, the problems of the outstanding characteristics and, especially, the lineage of Japanese, have been much discussed. The characteristics of the Tibeto-Burman languages, including the Lepcha language,

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