Treasury of Chinese Folk Tales. Shelley Fu

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Treasury of Chinese Folk Tales - Shelley Fu

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he would say.

      Tsang-O saw things very differently and constantly complained. She couldn’t agree with her husband. She blamed Ho Yi for everything. “I don’t understand, why did you have to kill them?” she would reproachfully ask about the eight suns.

      “It wasn’t my fault! You saw them, they were running wild!”

      “But they were the Celestial Ruler’s sons!”

      “Even so, they should not have been allowed to do whatever they pleased. Didn’t you see how much mankind was suffering?”

      “Mankind! That’s all you ever talk about! How can helping mankind enable us to return to the Celestial Realm?” Tsang-O was angry.

      “So what if we can’t return? We’re not bad off at all here,” was Ho Yi’s reply.

      The more they talked, the angrier they became with each other.

      In the end, Ho Yi would storm out of the house. Every day, Tsang-O would stay at home and cry or sulk. Ho Yi couldn’t stand it. Life between the two became unbearable. Every morning, Ho Yi would leave the house and wander he knew not where. Sometimes he stayed away for days.


      One day during his wanderings, Ho Yi accidentally ran into the beautiful goddess of the Lo River, Fu Fei. It was a beautiful autumn morning, and Ho Yi got into his carriage as usual. Deeply preoccupied, he drove and drove until he had reached the Lo River. He suddenly realized that he had traveled very far from home.

      “I probably won’t make it home today. Oh well, so what?” Ho Yi asked himself angrily as he thought of the crabby Tsang-O.

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