Pocket I-Ching. Gary G. Melyan

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Pocket I-Ching - Gary G. Melyan

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Ch'ien Creative

      Nuclear: Above— Ch'ien Creative

      Below— Ch'ien Creative

      Ch'ien symbolizes heaven and the creative power. All lines are solid or yang, meaning that all associated trigrams, both primary and nuclear, are Ch'ien. It is the zenith of the yang force. Ch'ien is light, strong and active, suggesting action and perseverance. By extension Ch'ien stands for the universe which is endlessly changing. Thus Ch'ien also implies emulation of the way of heaven, of diligence throughout the day, and of ceaseless exertion and hard work. The I-Ching seeks to apply the principles of heaven and earth to human conduct and affairs. Ch'ien stands for the way of heaven and the following hexagram, K'un, elucidates the way of the earth. The two, heaven and earth, stand at the beginning of the I-Ching.

      Ch'ien symbolizes the prosperity of all things, strong and flourishing. But in the midst of the most extreme yang, yin is bound to come into existence. Therefore, caution is advised. Take heed to avoid the unexpected and accidental.

      THE FORTUNE: Everything is according to plans or expectations. Prosperity and the realization of fame and fortune. Overcomplacency, self-satisfaction, and arrogance or an over-bearing manner will, however, summon misfortune. Accordingly, be careful, cautious, and thoughtful in doing things.

      Wish: Can be attained. But be open and humble in doing things.

      Marriage: The man will make a good husband. Setting sights too high will result in failure.

      Love: Success is possible. But if both sides are selfish, the result will be a breaking off of the friendship.

      Family: Happy and prosperous. Arrogance and waste will, however, lead to ruin.

      Children: Healthy, blessed with happiness and ability, but they must not be spoiled while growing up. More boys than girls. Pregnancy: boy.

      Capital loan: No problem, but you must carefully handle the whole process.

      Business: You will earn a profit, but it is not fitting to try to enlarge upon that profit.

      Stock market: Prices are high now but will soon drop; sell.

      Life span: A healthy and long life. Attention must be placed on the daily regimen, otherwise your health will be affected. Special care must be given to chest and head-related illnesses or diseases.

      Sickness: Condition relatively serious but with an inherently sound constitution recovery can be had through rest and convalescence. Kind: related to the head or chest regions.

      Waiting for someone: The one who comes is friendly and will bring joy.

      Looking for someone: The image is one of great distance. The search will take a lot of time. You should go in a north-westerly direction to conduct your search.

      Lost article: You will find it, but you must be willing to spend some time. You should go in a northwesterly direction or to the northwest corner of something to conduct your search.

      Travel: Propitious.

      Lawsuit and disputes: If your case is reasonable you will win, but if you argue irrationally and unreasonably, the outcome will be very bad.

      Employment: Be careful and diligent; going step by step you will reach your objective or expectation. Your superior may possibly promote you in rank or position; but you must be cautious.

      Examination: High score, but you must not be lazy, lax, or idle.

      New business, change of occupation or specialization, and moving: It is best to maintain your present status, situation, or position. However, new business ventures are auspicious.

      Weather: Clear.

      K'UN kun The receptive

      TRIGRAMS: Primary: Upper— K'un Receptive

      Lower— K'un Receptive

      Nuclear: Above— K'un Receptive

      Below— K'un Receptive

      The K'un hexagram symbolizes the earth and represents the idea of yielding, gentleness, submissiveness, and obedience. It is the dark and maternal. K'un is the opposite of the preceding Ch'ien hexagram; the six lines are all yin, or broken. The yang force represents giving, a strong or tough character or disposition, and positive movement or progress, while the yin represents receiving, compliancy, negativeness, and passivity. Therefore, when you arrive at this hexagram, you should be yielding like a mare, doing your duty or fulfilling your role and listening to and following the advice of your elders. In this way, through steadfastness, your prospects will open up in the near future.

      THE FORTUNE: Do not be rash or reckless and do not act in a radical, heedless manner. Maintain the present. Carefully and attentively do your duty. Follow the ideas and thoughts of the capable and the wise and you will be benefited.

      Wish: Cannot be accomplished right away. But do not be impatient and nervous. Success is possible through proceeding step by step in an orderly fashion and through persistence.

      Marriage: A meek, obedient, and yielding bride.

      Love: Success possible, but you must not be selfish or disregard the feelings of the other. Overly impatient or impetuous behavior will end in failure.

      Family: Safe, sound, and happy.

      Children: Many children, compatible and happy; girls will outnumber boys. Pregnancy: girl.

      Capital loan: The loan cannot be settled at once. You will realize your goal if you patiently persist.

      Business: You should not take action; best to wait for a better opportunity.

      Stock market: Prices are low; buy now and wait for an opportunity to sell.

      Life span: Physically weak, but if you take care of yourself you can have a long life.

      Sickness: Afflictions of the abdominal region; not serious, but if neglected they will become chronic.

      Waiting for someone: This person will not appear at once, but maybe a few days later.

      Looking for someone: Nearby, look to the southwest.

      Lost article: If it is not inside the house, it is lost. Look in the southwest.

      Travel: It is best not to go on a trip for a while.

      Lawsuit and disputes: Not advantageous; best to compromise.

      Employment: Employment will not be found quickly; you must wait for the right time.

      Examination: Average score.

      New business, change of occupation or specialization, and moving: It is not the right time; you should wait for the correct moment.

      Weather: Continually cloudy or rainy.


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