Tuttle Dictionary Martial Arts Korea, China & Japan. Daniel Kogan

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Tuttle Dictionary Martial Arts Korea, China & Japan - Daniel Kogan

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Sing (C) [Style] a northern style founded by Kau Sae, based on the fighting movements of the monkey, divided into five forms: Drunken, Lost, Stone, Tall, and Wood Monkey

      Dai Sing Pek Gwa (C) [Style] (lit. Great Sage Chopping and Raising) a northern style incorporating the fighting movements of the monkey founded by Gan Duk Hoi; it incorporates the Deih Sing style and the Pek Gwa style into one fighting system

      daito (J) [Weapon] long sword

      Daito-ryu (J) [style] a system of unarmed and armed combat systematized by Takeda Sokaku; it was studied by Ueshiba Morihei before he created modern aikido

      dai wong (C) [Medicine] see daaih wong

      dajio (O) [Weapon] a pair of short wooden rods joined by a long rope

      daki age (J) [Judo] a technique in which the opponent is raised from the mat

      dak jeuih (C) [Common Usage] to offend, to insult

      da kuai hsing (M) [Yang Taijiquan] see da kuai xing

      da kuai xing (M) [Yang Taijiquan] (lit. The Big Chief Star) a movement from the Yang Taiji Sword form

      dallyeon baek (K) [Taekwondo] training bag

      dallyeon gong (K) [Taekwondo] training ball, striking ball

      dallyeon gu (K) [Taekwondo] training aids

      dallyeon ha da (K) [Common Usage] to train

      dallyeon ju (K) [Taekwondo] training post, makiwara post

      Dal Ma (K) [Common Usage] see Da Mo

      Dal Ma Daesa (K) [Common Usage] great priest Bodhidharma (honorific title for Bodhidharma)

      Da Mo (M) [Common Usage] Bodhidharma; an Indian prince turned Buddhist monk, who is credited with the introduction of Chan (Zen) philosophy to China. It is believed he went to the Shaolin Temple around 520 and introduced a series of exercises known as the Shiba Luohan Shou to help the monks stay awake during the marathon meditative sessions required in Chan. He is also the reputed founder of the Xi Sui Jing and the Yi Ji Jing styles.

      dan (J, K) [Common Usage] degree of black belt rank

      dan (M) [Common Usage] see daam

      dan (M) [Common Usage] single; only one

      dan bao (M) [Common Usage] to sponsor an activity or a person

      dan bao ren (M) [Common Usage] sponsors of an activity

      danbong (K) [Common Usage] short stick

      danbong sul (K) [Kuk Sool] short-stick skill

      dan chi sau (C) [Wihng Cheun] see daahn chi sau

      dan dao (M) [Weapon] single broadsword

      dando (K) [Common Usage] short sword, dagger

      dan dobok (K) [Taekwondo] uniform with black collar for students over fifteen years of age

      dando makgi (K) [Kuk Sool] short-sword block

      dan du (M) [Weapon] see daan dou

      dan fan (M) [Medicine] a Chinese herbal medicine to treat open wounds

      dang (M) [Common Usage] see dong

      dangeom (K) [Common Usage] dagger

      dangeom ssanggeom hyeong (K) [Kuk Sool] double short-sword form

      dan geup jedo (K) [Taekwondo] rank system

      Dang Fong (C) [Master] a prominent master of Huhng Ga and founder of the Yih Yuhng Tohng who studied under Wohng Fei Huhng and was a contemporary of Lahm Sai Wihng

      danggyeo makgi (K) [Taekwondo] pulling block

      dangnang (K) [Common Usage] praying mantis

      dang saan sik (C) [Saan Dung Hak Fu Paai] see deng shan shi

      Dang Su Do (K) [Style] see Tang Soo Do

      Dan Gun (K) [Common Usage] see Tan Gun

      Dan Gun hyeong (K) [Taekwondo] see Tan Gun hyung

      dan huan zhang (M) [Baguazhang] single change palm

      danjeon (K) [Common Usage] see danjun

      danjeon hoheup (K) [Common Usage] abdominal breathing

      danjeon hoheup beop (K) [Common Usage] abdominal-breathing method

      dan jeung (K) [Common Usage] rank certificate

      danjun (K) [Common Usage] energy center in the abdominal region, called the dan tian in Chinese

      danpatsu shiki (J) [Sumo] a ceremony for the cutting of the topknot of a rikishi, signifying his retirement

      danryoku (J) [Common Usage] flexibility

      dan shui (M) [Common Usage] see daam seui

      dantai (J) [Common Usage] group

      dan tian (M) [Common Usage] An area in which the body can generate and store qi. There are three such areas: the upper area is located between the eyebrows; the middle is located at the solar plexus; and the lower is the area a few inches below the navel.

      dan xiao (M) [Common Usage] see daam siu

      dan xin (M) [Common Usage] see yau sauh

      dan zhong (M) [Acupressure] a point located on the sternum

      dao (M) [Common Usage] (lit. Way/Path) the way of the universe/nature; the "natural" way to one's end; or the journey down the path to enlightenment

      Dao De Jing (M) [Common Usage] (lit. Classic of the Virtue of the Way) a book supposedly written by Lao Zi that consists of eighty-one verses that expound the philosophy of the dao

      dar (M) [Bei He] see da

      dari (K) [Common Usage] leg

      dari beolligi (K) [Common Usage] leg split

      dari beollyeo seogi (K) [Taekwondo] stance with the feet shoulder-width apart

      dari hurigi (K) [Hapkido] leg-sweeping technique

      dari pyeogi (K) [Common Usage] leg-stretching technique

      dari reul gotge ha da (K) [Common Usage] to straighten the leg

      dari reul pyeo da (K) [Common Usage] to stretch the legs

      dari sai (K) [Common Usage] crotch, area between the legs

      Daruma (J) [Common Usage] see Da Mo

      daruma taiso (J) [Karate] a stretching exercise done in lotus position, involving a series of rolling and breathing movements


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