Wellness East & West. Kathleen F. Phalen

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Wellness East & West - Kathleen F. Phalen

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I will practice medicine; it changed the way I will live."

      —a fourth-year University of Virginia medical student

       referring to DeLevitt's alternative medicine course,

       Healing Options, offered at the medical school

      The National Institutes of Health Joins the Act

      What some have called unorthodox therapies are gaining even more credibility, or at least a second look, even from the harshest critics. The creation of the National Institutes of Health's (NIH) Office of Alternative Medicine (OAM) has spurred this growth. In 1996 the OAM, under the direction of Wayne Jonas, M.D., a family physician with a background in many alternative therapies including homeopathy, bioenergy, and spiritual healing, awarded nearly $9.7 million in grants to ten institutions to conduct research on the therapeutic merits of Chinese herbs, acupuncture, massage, and other alternatives to conventional Western medical treatment. In a hearing before the Senate Labor and Human Resources Committee regarding the Access to Medical Treatment Act, Jonas testified that the OAM is committed to accelerating public access to potentially useful complementary and alternative therapies.

      The OAM's leader reports that his office is exploring methods to assess and monitor the results of individual practices of complementary and alternative health practitioners, including practice-based research networks. Jonas has recommended a three-tiered review process specifically tailored to judge the level of risk of particular treatments. He states, "If such developments were accompanied by systematic data collection of selected unapproved therapies, a situation allowing access, assuring public safety, and furthering research could be accomplished."15

      The following is a list of NIH Office of Alternative Medicine initial grant awards. Although research in these directions is improving, it is clear how comparatively little is spent on research in alternative therapies.

      Dartmouth-Hitchcock Medical Center $29,901

      Massage Therapy for Bone Marrow Transplant

      University of Arizona $29,585

      Acupuncture, Unipolar Depression

      University of Maryland Pain Center $30,000

      Acupuncture, Osteoarthritis

      Medical College of Ohio $26,405

      Massage Therapy, HIV-1

      City of Hope National Medical Center $30,000

      Electrochemical DC Current, Cancer

      American Health Foundation $30,000

      Pancreatic Enzyme Therapy, Cancer

      Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University $30,000

      Hypnosis, Low Back Pain

      University of Virginia School of Medicine $28,919

      Massage Therapy, Post-Surgical Outcomes

      Pacific College of Oriental Medicine $30,000

      Chinese Herbal Medicine, PMS

      Washington University $30,000

      Anti-Hepatitis Plants, Therapeutic Evaluation

      Pennsylvania State University $30,000

      Music Therapy, Psychosocial Adjustment after Brain Injury

      Menninger Clinic $30,000

      Energetic Therapy Basal Cell Carcinoma

      University of Miami School of Medicine $30,000

      Massage Therapy, HIV-Exposed Infants

      Harvard Medical School $30,000

      Hypnosis, Accelerated Bone Fracture Healing

      University of California $30,000

      Classical Homeopathy, Health Status

      Hahnemann University, $18,420

      Dance/Movement Therapy, Cystic Fibrosis

      Emory University $30,000

      Chinese Herbal Therapy, Common Warts

      George Washington University $29,985

      Imagery and Relaxation, Immunity Control

      Northwestern University $29,985

      T'ai-Chi, Mild Balance Disorders

      Lenox Hill Hospital $30,000

      Guided Imagery, Asthma

      University of Texas Health Science Center $30,000

      Imagery and Relaxation, Breast Cancer

      University of Vermont $30,000

      Manual Palpation, Lumbar Spine

      Columbia University $30,000

      Chinese Herbs, Hot Flashes

      University of Minnesota $29,964

      Macrobiotic Diet, Cancer

      Alternative Treatments Gaining Popularity among Doctors and Consumers

      Alternative therapy is fast becoming a $15 billion industry in this country. And many of the nearly 670,000 Western conventional, or allopathic, medical doctors in this nation have demonstrated an increasing openness to the possibility that alternative therapies may have merit. The first original published research, led by David Blum-berg, M.D., of the department of psychiatry at the State University of New York Health Science Center at Syracuse, reported that over 90 percent of the doctors responding to survey questions said that they were willing to refer their patients for an alternative form of treatment. These findings were based on 572 responses to 2,000 questionnaires that were mailed to conventionally trained and board-certified internists and family physicians.

      In late 1995, the results of a study published in the Archives of Internal Medicine stated that "on average physicians perceive complementary medicine as moderately effective, with younger physicians more receptive than their older counterparts." Nonetheless, the study concluded by saying that these alternative therapies " urgently need to be tested in randomized controlled trials." Proponents of alternative therapies say that such testing won't work because of the unquantifiable components of many alternative therapies, including spirituality, energy, human interaction, and placebo effects. And in symposia and medical conferences around the nation during 1996, that point continued to be debated among the nation's top healers.

      "It's an enormous problem. They are stalled around the methodological issue, how do you research this? And right now the methodological issues are virtually insurmountable. I think they're missing the point. They are always looking for the control group. Researching common sense gets very expensive."

      —Robert Duggan, president of the Traditional

       Acupuncture Institute, Columbia, Maryland, and

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