Special Category. Ruán O’Donnell

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Special Category - Ruán O’Donnell

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Paul Hill and Phil Sheridan arrived into Exeter, a local jail rarely used to hold IRA prisoners. Hill was quickly moved on to Winchester and Wakefield while Sheridan endured nine months in the ‘awful’, ill-appointed Exeter where the Segregation Block resembled ‘a subterranean dungeon’.60 Sheehan was dispatched via Wormwood Scrubs to Parkhurst. McCluskey and McCartney were shifted to Winchester and very quickly into the punishment block for protesting the local conditions. Whereas McCluskey was shortly afterwards moved on to Wormwood Scrubs for an extended bout of solitary confinement, McCartney’s refusal to co-operate with the staff and rejection of ‘closed’ visits resulted in his being detained in a ‘strong box’ cell in the Segregation Unit.61

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