Spooked in Seattle. Ross Allison

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Spooked in Seattle - Ross Allison America's Haunted Road Trip

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Moines Marina Park

       Kubota Garden

       Glen Acres Golf Course and Country Club

       Kinnear Park

       Me-Kwa-Mooks Park

       Schmitz Park

       Woodland Park



       Mount Pleasant


       Forest Lawn

       Crown Hill

       Fort Lawton

       Spooked in Seattle Tours



       Other Resources


       About the Author


      This guide presents many locations throughout Seattle that are believed to be haunted, claim to have ghosts, or have undergone investigation. We cannot say for certain if these claims are 100 percent true—that’s for you to decide if you dare to venture to them in search of the dead. Just remember that not all these sites will support your personal investigation into the unknown. If you do plan to investigate, please be respectful of the property and the dead.

      This book is broken down into sections based on Seattle’s neighborhoods with corresponding addresses to make finding them easier. Whether you use your GPS or Mapquest.com, or some other means of finding them, we hope you enjoy your adventure into the unknown.

      The neighborhood maps in this book provide number markers. Those numbers coincide with the location and story in that chapter. Pretty easy, huh?

      Happy Hunting!


An AGHOST investigation was done at this site


      Whether you believe in the world of the spirits or not, the belief in ghosts has jumped quite a bit since 2005. Today, with so many TV shows and movies featuring true belief in ghosts, many skeptics have become believers or at least are more open to the idea that something may very well be out there.

      When Spiritualism was big in the 1800s, it was focused on mediums, psychic impressions, and entertainment. Not a lot of science was involved. But there were groups researching the paranormal phenomena, including Harry Price, Thomas Edison, or even London’s Ghost Club, which was founded in 1862 along with Society for Psychical Research (SPR).

      Now we tend to find the complete opposite, where most people want to find a scientific answer to what seems to be occurring at haunted sites. Every day new tools are developed in hopes of offering a new view into some of the strange happenings. With EMF detectors, recorders, and cameras in hand, the ghost hunter treks to hundreds of haunted sites in search for the unknown. Will their hard work and efforts pay off?

      The truth will be found.


      1. Are ghosts and hauntings real?

      The belief in ghosts continues to grow. Many believe in the possibility of ghosts and in what people claim to be hauntings or ghosts. But don’t take my word for it. The best way to find truth in anything is to make the discovery for yourself. This book might help you find that unique encounter with the unknown and help you decide if are ghosts real.

      2. What is a Ghost?

      There are many different beliefs regarding what a ghost is, but the most common is that the soul of a dead person still lingers among the living. In some cases the soul or energy can interact with the living or just play out a certain event over and over again without any interaction.

      3. How do you know if you have a ghost in your home?

      There are many different types of phenomena labeled as a ghost haunting. Here are a few to guide you: strange noises that cannot be explained; cold spots; objects that disappear never to be found or that move to different locations without explanation; doors and windows open or close on their own; electrical problems, or lights and appliances that turn on and off on their own. You may also see shadows, strange lights, or even transparent figures moving around the property.

      4. Can a building be haunted?

      The common belief is that ghosts can attach themselves to a person, place, or object. This can include a home, business, or land. Some also believe that a location may have the ability to record past events, and these events can be played out for unsuspecting guests.3

      5. Why does a ghost haunt?

      There are many reasons a ghost may choose to haunt a location. This may be a place where the ghost lived or where a tragic event happened to her. Somebody the ghost loves or knows might be on the property. The ghost has a message to pass on, unfinished business, or he might not even know he has passed on and so still goes about his everyday life.

      6. Can animals be ghosts?

      There have been many reports of animals seen as ghosts, especially pets. Some people claim to hear growling or barking from a dog, or hissing or meowing from a cat. Some people can feel animals crawling into bed with them, and, of course, there are claims of seeing a deceased pet or animal on the property.

      7. What is a poltergeist?

      There are many misunderstandings about the differences between a ghost and a poltergeist. The common mistake people make is that they think if there is any type of physical activity, such as moving objects or physical harm to a person, it must be a poltergeist. This is not true. A true poltergeist case

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