The Wish Book. Alex Lemon

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The Wish Book - Alex Lemon

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Wearing A Dead Man’s Sunglasses To The Zoo

       The Itching Is Chronic

       Show Up Look Good

       Locked & Loaded

       Everybody Has A Skeleton

       Making It Nice

       Trust Me Trust Me Trust

       Ain’t No Best In Show

       Lampreys Of Sunlight

       Let Us Get Our Gifting On

       The Trick Bag

       The Wish Book

       What is the grass?


       Let’s go my little paradise,

       My little heart attack—

       The city is unwinding.

       Roots are busting through

       Concrete. Soon, it will no

       Longer be the epoch of racing

       In circles. There’ll be no more

       Sleeping in the Xerox machine.

       All those disposable hours

       Where we sat around wondering

       How many times you could

       Tell someone that you loved

       Them before they’d explode

       Instead of leaning into

       Their warmth & actually saying

       It. Soon, no one will want unlimited

       Texts because it will be known—

       This here right now, this,

       Exactly what you mean—

       Is brought to you by

       Every second that happens

       Hereafter & how the sunrise

       Holds your closed eyes.

       Any time is the best time

       For us to go. Please, hold my hand.

       It is such a pleasure to be

       Not dead & walking through

       This place with you.

       Rusty chains coiled in the cardboard box

       I carry to the dumpster & all I am

       Thinking is my face falling off & is yours

       Under it & or is someone’s I don’t

       Even know—further down, a stranger,

       A dead man, a saint, or just a sprawl

       Of gravel & then I’m thinking this other thing—

       There’s a snake in this box, blacktailed

       & then more: there’s a bottomless immensity

       Beneath my feet & what a sacrifice

       It is each day just to get by, this alchemy,

       This fevered life: illness & love,

       Lockjaw & slow-motion kidnappings—it is what

       It always is—chronic dying, shivering with

       Unbelievable joy & not knowing a damn thing

       About anything as lightning

       Jigsaws the horizon. At the garbage pile, I pause—

       Take a deep breath & sit on the curb.

       Like they’re being sucked into the sky,

       The trees’ limbs lift. No cars on

       The street—so quiet. So hushed I can

       Hardly breathe. Thousands of lives

       Are piled into all this dirt we walk

       On & I’m waiting, saving it all for you.

       I’m a big jellyfish,

       All grown-assed—I can

       Admit it now: I am

       A gelatinous head

       Inside of a head

       That smells of spit-

       Up diamonds that’s

       Been jammed inside

       Another head that,

       Most certainly,

       In oftentimes slats

       Of moonlight, looks

       As if a mustache

       Has been Sharpied

       Above its lip.

       So what if the years

       Haven’t taught me

       How to hold

       Another’s hand,

       Tenderly, or drink

       Orange smoothies


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