The Exhibitionist. Steve Reeder

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The Exhibitionist - Steve Reeder

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their stand, pre-show marketing, squad training and follow-up. Finding the reasons why an exhibitor’s product or service meets (and exceeds) a visitor’s need brings the whole campaign to life, and for me it’s the core to so many other decisions and actions that will ensure a trade show fills an organisation’s sales pipeline. Having delivered trade show campaigns on behalf of multinational organisations, I also understand the crucial role the stand squad play in the success of the show and have trained exhibitors on how to engage, develop and filter visitors to ensure that the most valuable visitors become future buyers.

      We’ve worked on several different projects as exhibitors ourselves as well as with clients who need either a guiding hand with their decision-making or want us to do all the work for them. We also work with event organisers on several exhibition elements including exhibitor training courses, developing and managing live theatre areas, visitor recruitment campaigns and working with high value sponsors and exhibitors to maximise their returns. Over the years we’ve heard the frustrations of so many exhibitors who feel they have wasted their money, or blame event organisers for poor results, yet we’ve seen so many fantastic executions that have generated solid commercial returns for businesses. Through The Exhibitionist we want to bring together some of the answers to the questions we’ve asked over the years and to provide some inspiration and food for thought that helps exhibitors, event managers and anyone involved in the industry to add more value to their campaigns and generate more profitable results.


       I’m in a hole because at some point I found a shovel and started digging. Maybe I should trade my shovel for ladders and start climbing.

      —Craig D. Lounsbrough, M.Div., LPC

      Have you ever invested a significant amount of budget in a trade show, spent three days on your feet and not spoken to anyone of interest before thinking there must be a better way? Maybe you keep doing what you’ve always done because your company accepts it’s ‘just the way it is with trade shows’? Or maybe you’re a business owner who really wants to get out and speak to your customers but is secretly terrified?

      Congratulations! Just by picking up a copy of this book you’re already on the first rung of the proverbial ladder to generating more profitable leads and better returns from your trade show investment. You’re probably wondering how that’s possible when you haven’t even read a page yet? In our combined experience of 20 years’ working on trade shows and events we’d say success is about 70% attitude, enthusiasm and a desire to learn and 30% what you actually do. Despite the digital evolution, face-to-face events remain a crucial element of the marketing mix with 99% of marketers from overperforming organisations believing that events provide visitors with a valuable opportunity to form in-person connections in an increasingly digital world (Bizzabo, 2018). But trade shows are often hard work – emotionally, physically and mentally. Not everyone has the necessary desire or disposition to deliver them brilliantly and that’s not something any book can help with! Coupled with the perception that trade shows never deliver a measurable return, they are often easy targets for criticism and budget cuts from senior teams wowed by the latest social media platform. However just by picking up this book you’ve demonstrated the mindset for learning some new skills and taking some inspiration that will enable all your future trade show campaigns to act as the engine for your organisation’s sales pipeline.

      Often when we meet with clients for the first time there’s a range of causes driving their trade show anxiety, from a lack of confidence and skill, to a lack of time and resource. They’re always surprised when we tell them that they’re not alone and that so many fellow exhibitors feel those same fears. There seems to be a culture in the industry that ‘everyone can do trade shows’, as though it’s as easy as jumping out of bed in the morning. To a certain degree, it is easy to book last minute, turn up with a couple of mis-shaped pop-up banners, spend the day chatting with fellow exhibitors or on your laptop and then moan about the lack of business generated. However, to plan, implement and evaluate a trade show brilliantly, that engages with visitors and adds real value to your business through building profitable relationships for the future – now that takes skill, experience and dedication. But by picking up this book, we know you’ll rise to the challenge!

      There are so many sectors, variables, life stages, structures and budgets in business that it would be impossible to provide one blueprint for brilliant execution – one size most definitely does not fit all in this case. Equally, there aren’t very many straight yes and no answers either, it’s all about how a trade show fits in to your story and meets your customer’s needs. However, in the following chapters we hope you find an easy-to-follow framework that walks you through the key elements of delivering a brilliant trade show campaign, from the initial enquiry about which show to attend, to calculating a final number of what your investment returned (yes that’s possible, don’t believe the hype about trade shows being unmeasurable). We’ll be sharing some of the knowledge, tips, advice and examples we’ve collected over the years (good and bad) to help inspire your own trade show journey. If you’re a seasoned exhibitor you may perceive some of the advice as simplistic or patronising but often when we’re running workshops it’s the simple things that people already know they want reminding of – we’re trying to provide something for everyone so if there are bits you know, skip ahead to a bit that’s new for you! Every trade show is different, as is every exhibitor and you’ll need to give some thought to the content of each section on your own business circumstances. But there are plenty of ideas to help you understand how you convert your trade show investment into a winning proposition.

      We’ve used some icons along the way that should help you steer your way around the content:


Where you see this symbol there’s a key piece of operational advice or a real-life example that will help you execute a better event. These are some of the basics you need to get right and these points should give you the core inspiration that you build everything else around.


Where you see this symbol we’re sharing a piece of industry insight or research to help illustrate why the suggestions we’re making are important. Your internal stakeholders can be your toughest critics so hopefully by sharing some of the best evidence in the business you’ve got the ammunition you need to fight for the resources you need.


Where you see this symbol, we’re sharing some inspirational or thought-provoking quotes with you to help inspire you along your journey.

      How to get the best of this book?

      Ideally, we’d suggest reading the book in its entirety before starting on your planning to help you best understand how all the elements fit together as a jigsaw. We’ve broken it up into bite-sized chunks that should allow you to tackle and digest each building block as we navigate the whole process. In Part 1 we’ll look at why trade shows are still relevant in the digital age and deciding whether trade shows are even the right tactic for your business in its current position.

      The bulk of the book comes in Part II, which we’ve broken up into three further sections – Planning, Implementation and Evaluation (P.I.E.) where we will delve into the intricate details of executing your trade show campaign brilliantly; we have broken these down into sections, listed in the table of contents, to help you navigate through them easily. As mentioned, it’s worth reading

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