Walking on the Brecon Beacons. David Whittaker

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Walking on the Brecon Beacons - David Whittaker

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      Climb up the right side of the upper fall or more easily up the hill on the right of the lower fall reaching a series of smaller waterfalls from where there are magnificent views of Corn Du. Surprisingly, the flat-topped summit of Corn Du at the head of valley falsely appears higher, from this viewpoint, than its neighbour, Pen y Fan, which is on the left. When the stream starts to break up into many smaller tributaries, leave the stream to the right, striking westwards to the corrie lake of Llyn Cwm Llwch.

      Flushed areas at the head of the valley are extensively covered in soft rush (Juncus effusus). Llyn Cwm Llwch is a good place to have a break and appreciate this special place (see ‘Geology and geomorphology of Cwm Llwch’; ‘Glacial origins of Llyn Cwm Llwch,’ Walk 3).


      Tommy Jones obelisk, Corn Du and Pen y Fan

      Take the path which leads to the right (W) up the steep slope in a zigzag, climbing steeply to the lower end of the ridge of Craig Cwm Llwch, near to the Tommy Jones Obelisk, a useful landmark in poor visibility. The path has been severely eroded into a deep gully, firstly by the passage of feet which destroyed the protective turf, and now by a combination of walkers and water. It becomes a watercourse in heavy rain.

      Looking back down to the left from the obelisk is a fine view of the hummocky mounds of glacial moraine that dam the lake of Llyn Cwm Llwch.

      The obelisk is a memorial to Tommy Jones, aged five, who died here in 1900 of exhaustion. He was attempting to walk alone from Cwm Llwch Farm to an army encampment at Login. It now serves as a useful landmark in poor visibility by marking a rapid descent route from Cefn Cwm Llwch to the safety of the valley below ensuring that walkers today do not suffer the same fate. The alternative route to Pen Milan leaves from here.

      Follow the ridge of Craig Cwm Llwch (SE) up the steep slope to the summit of Corn Du.

      From Craig Cwm Llwch you may see many species of bird and see buzzard, carrion crow and raven wheeling overhead. Ravens nest nearby on the crags of Craig Cwm Sere. You will undoubtedly see or hear meadow pipit and skylark, the commonest birds over hill grasslands. If you are especially observant you may see ring ouzel as they breed in the vicinity of the crags. This area is near to the limit of their British range.

      The final 10m or so to the summit of Corn Du involves scrambling up the Plateau Beds but a stepped path leading diagonally right will avoid further damage to these loose crags. An interesting path-cum-sheep track avoids this and cuts east across the northern face of Corn Du below the crumbling cliffs of Plateau Beds to the col leading to Pen y Fan (see ‘Geology of the Brecon Beacons,’ Introduction). The crags are covered in grazed purple moor grass heath (Vaccinium). Awnless sheep’s fescue (Festuca vivipara) is the only plant species of interest. From the top of the stepped path cross left (E) to the summit of the crags overlooking Cwm Llwch.


      Cefn Cwm Llwch and Llyn Cwm Llwch from Corn Du

      From the cairn follow the crags (E) and descend into the col. The path swings around (ENE) and climbs along a broad track, well marked by cairns. The final one is of Bronze Age origin and leads to the trig point on the summit of Pen y Fan. Pen y Fan at 886m (2906ft) is the highest mountain in South Wales and just fails to achieve Munro status, a term given to summits over 3000ft. For a description of the mountain see ‘Geology and geomorphology of Pen y Fan,’ Walk 5).


      The summit of Pen y Fan is one of the finest vantage points in Wales. On an exceptionally clear day, Cadair Idris can just be distinguished to the north and Exmoor to the south. Fforest Fawr to the west possesses many interesting features and is a relatively unvisited part of the park. Almost due west are the cliffs of a beautiful glacial cwm, Craig Cerrig-gleisiad. To the south-west the plumes from the stacks of Port Talbot and Llandarcy can be seen on a clear day and in between these is the wide sweep of Swansea Bay which culminates in the west with the Mumbles Lighthouse.

      Scramble carefully down the crags due north of the summit cairn and follow the ridge of Cefn Cwm Llwch for about 2km.

      As you scramble down from the summit, look carefully at the upper surfaces of the near horizontal Plateau Beds for ripple marks. These are also present on the surfaces of rocks making up the summit. They were formed in exactly the same way as ripples are formed in the sandy beds of rivers today. Look back at the north-east face of Pen y Fan where in early spring you can see the brilliant colours of rare arctic-alpines (see ‘Flora of the north-east face of Pen y Fan,’ Walk 4).

      Take a small path which leaves the main track and bears left (N) towards the pile of stones at the disused quarry of Cwar Mawr (SN018 236). From here descend west-north-west (292°) to the spur of Twyn y Dyfnant and down the steep slope to the hill fence, keeping to the right of the coniferous forestry.

      Cross the fence through a gate (SN009 241) and follow the line of trees diagonally down the slope to the right. At the end of the tree line turn sharp left and drop down to the field below. An indistinct path leads directly down the field after 80m. Head for the junction of hedges to the left and continue down the slope to the ford across the stream (SN007 244) and back to the start of the walk.

      Alternative route

      From the obelisk turn north and follow the footpath which swings first right, left, then right again around the head of a side valley of Cwm Llwch, with steep slopes on the right. Just before the final spur of Pen Milan, the path changes into a broad green old quarry track. The hill vegetation comprises dwarf shrub heath and grass heath in which ling (Calluna) and bilberry (Vaccinium myrtillus) are common. Purple moor grass (Molinia caerulea) is abundant on flatter areas.

      The route descends to the right diagonally across the valley side. This track has obviously seen heavy use in the past and, in fact, was used to transport Old Red Sandstone (see ‘Geology’ in the Introduction) from a quarry on the left, now abandoned. The softer rock was used as road infill, whereas the harder stone was used in building.

      The quarry track swings sharply right and then left, descending between grassy banks and heading due north again. The path becomes ill-defined in places but eventually the fences on either side funnel the path to a gate. Pass through the gate, ford a small stream, and follow the tree-lined track to the yard with the cottage of Clwydwaunhir on the left.

      Opposite the house are a small ford and a stile. Cross these and cut across some fields (SE) back to the start of the walk.

      Cwm Llwch Ridge

Start Llwynbedw, Cwm Llwch (SO 006 245)
Distance 10km (6 miles)
Total Ascent 620m (2035ft)
Map OL12 Western Area

      A high-level circuit of Cwm Llwch involving ascents of the two highest mountains in South Wales, Corn Du and Pen y Fan. The walk follows a horseshoe, climbing the westerly ridge to the high summits and descends the eastern ridge. The ascent is gentle at first, but the final climb to the summit of Corn Du and the descent from Pen y Fan are steep. In good weather route finding

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