Your Next Level Life. Karen Arrington

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Your Next Level Life - Karen Arrington

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some way, large or small.

      Let me ask you a question:

      Who were you before the world told you who you should be?

      Can you remember?

      That person—that shining, confident, radiant version of yourself—is where your superpowers reside. And if you’re thinking, I don’t know if I’ve ever felt “radiant” and “confident” in my whole life, that’s OK. Even if they’ve been lost, suppressed, or forgotten, your superpowers can always be reclaimed again.

      During the 2018 democratic primary, Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, a little known, twenty-nine-year-old bartender and waitress from the Bronx, New York, beat out ten-term Democratic congressman Joe Crowley, the Democratic caucus chair. At the start of the Ocasio-Cortez campaign video, she says, “Women like me aren’t supposed to run for office.” Many said she was too young. She had not previously held elected office. She did not have access to wealth, social influence, or power. And she was hardly given any media time by the mainstream media.

      But she didn’t let that stop her. Age ain’t nothing but a number to her. She went from no name to household name. From bartender to lawmaker. She tapped into her superpowers. And Netflix reportedly paid ten million dollars for a campaign documentary featuring the newly elected Congresswoman and Democratic party crasher. She connected with her community in an authentic way and used her tenacity, high energy, and emotional intelligence to become the youngest women to ever be elected to the US House of Representatives.

      What are Ocasio-Cortez’s superpowers? Her just-like-us relatability factor, oratorical skills, brilliance, fearlessness, and high-octane energy.

      Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez is building her Next Level Life. It’s all happening because she’s using her superpowers instead of ignoring them.

      If you’re ready to live your Next Level Life, the first step is to identify your biggest superpowers, own them, and leverage them like crazy. Even when others have counted you out.

      Not sure what your superpowers are? One of the best ways to discover your superpowers is to write down what fills you with joy. Not what fills your parents, friends, spouse, partner, mentor, or teachers with joy, but you.

      Grab some paper and a pen and answer the following questions.

      1 1. When do you feel the most alive?

      2 2. When do you feel happy, energized, or full of joy?

      3 3. What are your natural strengths—things you’ve always been good at?

      4 4. What piques your curiosity? Are there topics, ideas, hobbies, pursuits, or activities that you feel naturally drawn to?

      5 5. What types of praise or compliments do you tend to receive? (For example, do people compliment you for your patience, for your compassion, for your sense of humor, for your listening skills, for your impeccable organizational skills, for your creativity, or…perhaps something else?)

      6 6. It’s not always about breaking the rules but rewriting them instead. When you think about the world as it currently is, what changes do you want to make?

      As you roll through these questions, see if you notice any patterns, themes, or similarities.

      Perhaps, like Ocasio-Cortez, you’ll notice that political advocacy is when you shine brightest. Or perhaps, like me, you’ll notice that mentoring and empowering other women is what brings you the greatest joy. Or perhaps you’ll notice that there’s a particular skill—writing, speaking, teaching, interviewing, coaching, inspiring, entertaining, leading, healing, supporting, nurturing, designing, building, fundraising, moving people to tears or laughter, making things aesthetically beautiful, or something else—that feels like a strong superpower for you.

      Once you have identified your superpowers, it’s time to leverage them.

      Ask yourself, “How could I start using my superpowers every day? How could I start using my superpowers at my current job? In my community? How could I bring my superpowers into the center of my life and really use them, not ignore them?”

      Leveraging your superpowers might feel scary, because it might mean stepping away from the plan that society has laid out for you. Feel the fear, but don’t let it stop you. Claim your superpowers and start using them. This is the first big, brave step you must take—the first move toward your Next Level Life.

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