Instant Chinese. Boye Lafayette De Mente

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Instant Chinese - Boye Lafayette De Mente Instant Phrasebook Series

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much is this?

      Zhe shi duoshao? (Jur shr dwoh-shou) 这是多少?

      This is very good

      Zhe hen hao (Jur hern how) 这很好


That Na (Nah) 那 / Nei (Nay) 哪

      What is that?

      Na shi shenme? (Nah shr shern-mo) 那是什么?

      That’s my luggage

      Na shi wo-de xingli (Nah shr woh-der sheeng-lee) 那是我的行李

      Is that so?

      Shi ma? (Shr mah) 是吗?

      How much is that?

      Na shi duoshao? (Nah shr dwoh-shou) 那是多少?

      Who is/was that?

      Na shi shei? (Nah shr shay) 那是谁?

      What is that street?

      Na shi neitiao jie? (Nah shr nay-tee-ow jeh) 那是哪条街?


Write Xie (Shay) 写

      Please write it down

      Qing ni xie xia (Cheeng nee shay shah) 请你写下

      Please write it in Roman letters

      Qing yong pinyin xie (Cheeng yohng peen-yeen shay) 请用拼音写

      Please write it in Chinese

      Qing yong Zhongwen xie (Cheeng yohng Johng-wern shay) 请用中文写


Address Dizhi (dee-juh) 地址

      (This is) my address

      Wo-de dizhi (Woh-der dee-jr) 我的地址

      What is your address?

      Ni-de zhu zhi shi? (Nee-der joo jr shr) 你的住址是?

      Please write it down

      Qing xie xia lai (Cheeng shay shah lie) 请写下来

      Please read it to me

      Qing du zhe-ge gaiwo ting (Cheeng doo jur-guh guy-woh ting) 请读这个给我听

      Please read it out loud

      Qing da sheng du (Cheeng dah sherng doo) 请大声读


Introductions Jieshao (Jeh-shou) 介绍

      May I introduce myself?

      Wo keyi jieshao woziji ma? (Woh ker-ee jeh-shou wohdzu-jee mah) 我可以介绍我自己吗?

      My name is _____

      Wo-de mingzi shi _____ (Woh-der meeng-dzu shr ____) 我的名字是 _____

      This is my name card

      Zhe shi wo-de ming pian (Jur shr woh-der meeng pee-an) 这是我的名片

      What is your name?

      Ni jiao shenme mingzi? 你叫什么名字? (Nee jow shern-mo meeng-dzu)

      I’m pleased to meet you

      Jiuyang (Joe-yahng) 久仰

      Do you have a name card?

      Ni you ming pian ma? (Nee you meeng pee-an mah) 你有名片吗?

      This is my wife

      Zhe shi wo-de furen (Jur shr woh-der foo-wren) 这是我的夫人


Family Jiawren (jah-wren) 家人

husband zhangfu (jahng-foo) 丈夫
wife furen (foo-wren) 夫人
qizi (chee-dzu) 妻子
children haizi (high-dzu) 孩子
daughter nuer (nwee-urr) 女儿
son erzi (urr-dzu) 儿子

      Do you have children?

      You haizi ma? (You high-dzu mah) 有孩子吗?

      I have two daughters

      You liang-ge nuer (You lee-ahng-guh nwee-urr) 有两个女儿

      Are you married?

      Jiehunle ma? (Jeh hoon-ler mah) 结婚了吗?

      I’m married

      Jiehunle (Jeh hoon-ler) 结婚了

      I’m single

      Mei jiehun (May jeh-hoon) 没结婚

      This is my wife

      Zhewei shi wo qizi (Jur-way shr woh chee-dzu) 这位是我妻子

      This is my husband

      Zhewei shi wo zhangfu (Jur-way shr woh jahng-foo) 这位是我丈夫


Age Nianling (Nee-an-leeng) 年龄; Sui (Sway) 岁

      How old are you (to young children)

      Ni ji sui? (Nee jee sway) 你几岁?

      How old are you (to all others)

      Ni duo da? (Nee dwoh dah) 你多大?


Go Qu (Chwee) 去

      I am going

      Qu (Chwee) 去

      I’m not going

      Bu qu (Boo chwee) 不去


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