Learning Japanese Hiragana and Katakana. Kenneth G. Henshall

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Learning Japanese Hiragana and Katakana - Kenneth G. Henshall

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Combined Sounds

       Review of Combined Sounds

       Review through Place Names and Period Names

       General Review


       Practice a — to

       Mini Review a — to

       Practice na — n

       Mini Review na — n

       Voiced and Half-Voiced Sounds

       Review of Voiced and Half-Voiced Sounds

       Combined Sounds

       Review of Combined Sounds and Double Consonants

       Review through International Place Names


       Do-It-Yourself Kana Charts

       Japanese Place Names Quiz Kana Charts

       International Cities Quiz Kana Charts

       Flora and Fauna Quiz

       Personal Names Quiz

       Food Items Quiz

       Work and Play Quiz

       Family Members Quiz

       About Japan


       A Trip Abroad

       Kana Word Search

       The Iroha Verse

       Answer Key

       Practice Grids

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      The main aim of this book is to help students achieve competence in reading and writing kana, the phonetic symbols that are fundamental to written Japanese. The book starts with a section entitled “An Explanation of Kana”, which contains everything the student will need to know about the two kana systems of hiragana and katakana. Part I of the workbook section then systematically introduces each hiragana symbol, voiced form, and combination, and provides ample practice and review. Part II does the same for katakana, while Part III provides an overall review.

      The “Explanation of Kana ” outlines the function and origin of kana, the difference between the two kana systems, the various sounds, the combinations, and the conventions of usage. It attempts to be detailed and thorough so that it can be used for reference at any stage. Though all the information about kana is grouped together in this one section for ease of reference, it is not expected that the student will read it all before starting on the practice pages. In fact, to do so might give the impression that kana are perhaps rather formidable, which is not really the case at all. (Just ask any Japanese child!) We recommend that the student start work on the hiragana practice pages after reading the first three subsections on the function, origin, and basic sounds of kana. After finishing practice of the forty-six basic hiragana symbols the student should go back to the “Explanation” and read the subsection on additional sounds, then work through the rest of the hiragana practice pages before moving on to the katakana practice. The final subsection, on other points to note, is mostly concerned with special katakana combinations and can be left until the appropriate point in the katakana practice pages, just prior to the final review. Students may modify this order, but we recommend finishing practice of one kana system before moving on to the next.

      In the practice pages of Parts I and II each kana symbol is allotted half a page, permitting plenty of writing practice in the boxes given. We suggest working in pencil, rather than ink, as this will allow for erasing and repeated use. Stroke order and pronunciation information are also given for each symbol and audio pronunciation files are available on the Tuttle website (see page 6). In addition, for each symbol there is an illustration of its graphic evolution from its “parent” character (see “Explanation of Kana ”) and a reference number for that character as it occurs in A Guide to Remembering Japanese Characters (Tuttle, 1988). This may be of interest to readers wishing to continue their studies of written Japanese to an advanced level. (However, some of the original characters are no longer commonly used and therefore are not included in A Guide to Remembering Japanese Characters .)

      After approximately every ten symbols there are “mini review” pages for further practice, this time using whole words. These are cumulative, containing symbols not only from the group just completed but from earlier groups. The mini reviews can be used purely for copying practice, or, by covering the cue kana on the left side of the page, as more challenging writing exercises. They can also be used as vocabulary exercises.

      Part III, the Final Review, contains exercises, quizzes, and “do-it-yourself” charts. Unlike the reviews in the first two parts it combines the two kana systems, as is natural in Japanese texts. And for a more natural effect the boxes used earlier in the book to help achieve even spacing and proper stroke lengths are dispensed with in this final part.

      The words appearing in the reviews have been carefully chosen in keeping with an additional aim of this book, which is to expose readers to key words related to Japanese society and culture. The prime criterion for selecting review words was their suitability for practicing the kana symbols, but we thought it would be helpful to students if in addition these words could, whenever possible, have particular relevance to Japanese culture. About half of the 450 or so vocabulary items in the book fall into this category. It is beyond the scope of the book to explain these in detail, but students who take the trouble to find out more about them will be rewarded with a broadened appreciation of Japan’s society and

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