The Border Country. Alan Hall H.

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The Border Country - Alan Hall H.

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the summit of White Law descend northwest alongside the fence to the stepped stile on the col below Whitelaw Nick, with its one-time fort. Cross the stile and with care descend north, alongside a stone wall, to the ancient border line crossing of White Swire. From here follow the winding, descending, now wide, dry and grassy track northwest (unless you wish to make a short detour west from White Swire to the Stob Stones – see Walk 4). A few yards beyond a prominent earthwork on the left of the path we are joined by St Cuthbert’s Way from the right, and with the joint long-distance paths continue descending, above Shielknowe Burn and below domed Green Humbleton, to cross Halter Burn, by bridge in winter, by ford in summer, to our starting point.


      Old Halterburnhead below Bught Knowe

      White Swire The first recorded mention of White Swyre (‘swyre’ is the old spelling) was in the Royal Command of 1222, when Henry III of England ordered the Bishop of Durham and the Sheriff of Northumberland, ‘to travel to White Swyre, and there settle the marches (boundary) between England and Scotland, restoring them to their status in the time of King John and his predecessors’.

      A Border Foray over White Swire

Start/FinishHalterburn Valley, GR 840277
Distance8 miles (12.9km)
Total Ascent1070ft (326m)
Time4 hours
MapsOS 1:25 000 Explorer OL1 6, The Cheviot Hills OS 1:50 000 Landranger sheet 74, Kelso & Coldstream Harvey 1:40 000 Walker’s Route, St Cuthbert’s Way
ParkingHalterburn Valley, GR 840277, between road and Halter Burn
AccommodationKirk Yetholm and Town Yetholm – hotels, bed-and-breakfasts, caravan and camping site, youth hostel at Kirk Yetholm

      A stimulating, waymarked walk offering fine views of the hills above the College Valley and of the eastern Cheviots, both seen at their best on a clear day.

      The ascents on this route are never severe along the way and the paths and tracks are distinct and generally firm underfoot. It is, however, recommended that walking boots be worn as low-lying sections can be squelchy after heavy rain.


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