Unbox Your Life. Tobias Beck

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Unbox Your Life - Tobias Beck

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      Owls focus on the work itself, and not so much on the money, fame or career possibilities. Owls like everything to run according to plan; they also like to develop, collect, and organize things. Quality and perfection are just as important as specialized knowledge, skills, and discipline. When looking for a solution to a problem, they work in a well-thought-out manner and don’t like taking risks. When working with others, they ensure the focus is put on resolving the actual task in question, and they are always well informed and well prepared.

      Owls are generally quiet, sincere, modest, and practical. However, they often struggle with their own standards as to quality, which can be excessive. They very rarely watch TV, and when they do, they are very selective as to what they watch. They would rather occupy themselves with activities that improve their performance, and like to challenge themselves. They love everything to do with technology and computers, and often spend their free time tinkering with things or completing further education courses. Knowledge, technical know-how, skills, hard work, ingenuity, discipline, and respect for others and their accomplishments are the principal elements of an Owl’s identity. Owls like to get to the bottom of things and discuss them pragmatically. However, they are often taken advantage of by Sharks and Dolphins, who steal their ideas and use them for their own benefit.

      Owls rarely want to be the head of a team or group, because this would mean they would have to supervise Dolphins and Sharks. When working in a team, challenges are often created by their perfectionism. If this occurs, Owls will often complete most of the work themselves instead of delegating. They are always afraid that something could go wrong. If errors do occur, excessive criticism is often the result. Owls often also react aggressively toward themselves, if they are responsible for making a mistake.

      Owls love technology, and are very cost-conscious, correct, professional, and generally somewhat conservative. When communicating with an Owl, it is important not to lose the thread and to always have an answer to any question. Owls often find it difficult to keep the technical side within limits and be generally understandable when communicating. They can work well with Sharks and Whales; they do not, however, get on very well with Dolphins.


      Dolphins love challenges and having fun, and view life as one big, fascinating adventure. They enjoy competition, sport, and activities that allow them to prove themselves. They always sit in the front row, and are very communicative and unconventional. They like taking risks and encouraging others to make more of an effort than usual. They treat work and life as a game. Competition gives them a real boost, they can pass on their enthusiasm to others, and they are generally bursting with energy.

      They like new ideas, new techniques, fresh, innovative methods, and shortcuts. They talk and think in a simple, clear, dynamic, and playful manner, but are sometimes a bit impulsive. Dolphins like taking calculated risks and always see possibilities. They are cooperative, would like to be superstars, and often fight against bureaucratic structures. They do not focus their energy on obtaining wealth, since honor and pleasure are more important to them; they also like to be seen as winners. Dolphins are not afraid of competition. To the contrary: actually, they feel challenged, inspired, and invigorated when competing with and measuring themselves against others.

      They enjoy having their fingers in many pies at the same time, and find it difficult to concentrate on just one thing. Equipped with a considerable portion of sensitivity, intuition, and possibly also a certain amount of positive craftiness, Dolphins can always ensure that the right people come together. They do this in an offhand yet elegant manner, and always manage to encourage people to work for them. They instinctively avoid people who are destructive and negative.

      When a Dolphin is the leader, meeting rooms resemble crew cabins where objectives are discussed in a humorous and spirited manner. Sharks and Owls have difficulty getting used to such an approach. Dolphins focus on pulling instead of pushing and try to enthuse colleagues and customers about themselves and the products, instead of discussing things in an unemotional and factual manner.

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