AutoCAD Pocket Reference. Cheryl R. Shrock

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AutoCAD Pocket Reference - Cheryl R. Shrock

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       Keyboard = S <enter>

      Command: _stretch

      2. Select objects to stretch by crossing-window or crossing-polygon...

      Select objects: select the first corner of the crossing window

      3. Specify opposite corner: specify the opposite corner of the crossing window

      4. Select objects: <enter>

      5. Specify base point or [Displacement] <Displacement>:

       select a base point (where it stretches from)

      6. Specify second point or <use first point as displacements>:

       type coordinates or place location with cursor


      The TRIM command is used to trim an object to a cutting edge. You first select the “Cutting Edge” and then select the part of the object you want to trim. The object to be trimmed must actually intersect the cutting edge or could intersect if the objects were infinite in length.

      1. Select the Trim command using one of the following:

       Ribbon = Home tab / Modify Panel /


       Keyboard = TR <enter>

      2. The following will appear on the command line:

      Command: _trim

      Current settings: Projection = UCS Edge = Extend

      Select cutting edges ...

      Select objects or <select all>: select cutting edge(s) by clicking on the object (P1)

      Select objects: stop selecting cutting edges by pressing the <enter> key

      Select object to trim or shift-select to extend or

      [Fence/Crossing/Project/Edge/eRase/Undo]: select the object that you want to trim.

       (P2) (Select the part of the object that you want to disappear, not the part you want to remain)

      Select object to trim or [Fence/Crossing/Project/Edge/eRase/Undo]: press <enter> to stop


      Note: You may toggle between Trim and Extend. Hold down the SHIFT key and the Extend command will activate. Release the SHIFT key and you return to Trim.

      Fence Use a “Fence” line to select objects to extend.

      Edge See page 1-23

      Project Same as Edge except used only in “3D”

      Crossing You may select objects using a Crossing Window.

      eRase You may erase an object instead of trimming while in the Trim command.

      Undo You may “undo” the last trimmed object while in the Trim command

      The UNDO and REDO tools allow you to undo or redo previous commands.

      For example, if you erase an object by mistake, you can UNDO the previous “erase” command and the object will reappear. So don’t panic if you do something wrong. Just use the UNDO command to remove the previous commands.

      The Undo and Redo tools are located in the Quick Access Toolbar.



      You may UNDO commands used during a work session until you close the drawing.

       How to use the Undo tool.

      1. Draw a line, circle and a rectangle.


       Your drawing should look approximately like this.

      2. Next Erase the Circle and the Rectangle.


       (The Circle and the Rectangle disappear.)

      3. Select the UNDO arrow. image


      You have now deleted the ERASE command operation.

      As a result the erased objects reappear.

      How to use the Redo command: image

      Select the REDO arrow and the Circle and Rectangle will disappear again.

      The Wipeout command creates a blank area that covers existing objects. The area has a background that matches the background of the drawing area. This area is bounded by the wipeout frame, which you can turn on or off.

      1. Select the Wipeout command using one of the following:

       Ribbon = Home tab / Draw Panel /


       Keyboard = Wipeout <enter>

      Command: _wipeout Specify first point or [Frames/Polyline] <Polyline>: specify the first point of the shape (P1)

      3. Specify next point: specify the next point (P2)


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