Demand Driven Material Requirements Planning (DDMRP), Version 2. Carol Ptak

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Demand Driven Material Requirements Planning (DDMRP), Version 2 - Carol Ptak

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      Most organizations are completely unprepared to deal with this question. First, they lack the knowledge, comprehension, or even capability to even ask the simple question, “Where?” Even if they do ask the right question, they lack the ability to effectively answer that question.

      Thus the first component of Demand Driven Material Requirements Planning is determining where the decoupling points and their respective buffers should be placed. This component becomes the cornerstone of the Demand Driven Operating Model discussed in Chapter 5. The selection of these points is a strategic decision that impacts the performance of the supply-demand network in many regards: service, working capital, expedite-related expenses, cash flow, and ultimately return on investment.

      Chapters 1 to 4 created the in-depth case about why the question of “where” must be asked. This chapter focuses on how to properly answer this question through the consideration of six key factors.

      This is the time the typical customer is willing to wait before seeking an alternative source. Customer tolerance time also can be referred to as demand lead time. According to APICS, demand lead time is:

      The amount of time potential customers are willing to wait for the delivery of a good or a service. Syn: customer tolerance time. (p. 45)

      Determining this lead time often takes the active involvement of sales and customer service.

      This lead time will allow an increase of price or the capture of additional business through either existing or new customer channels. Determining this lead time takes the active involvement of sales and customer service. Be aware that there could be different stratifications of market potential lead time. For example, a one-week reduction in lead time may only result in an increase in orders, whereas a two-week reduction in lead time could result in both an increase in orders and a potential price increase on some of those orders. Properly segmenting the market will maximize the possible revenue potential for the company and provide excellent revenue growth control. This is a consideration in Demand Driven Sales and Operations Planning, covered in Chapter 13.

      The sales order visibility horizon is the time frame in which we typically become aware of sales orders or actual dependent demand. In retail situations, customers do not issue a sales order to a shop in advance of going to the shop. Thus the sales order visibility horizon in this situation is zero. In most manufacturing scenarios, however, there are sales orders conveyed in advance of expecting receipt of the item. Often the sales order visibility either matches or exceeds customer tolerance time. The longer the visibility to sales orders, the better the capability of the environment to see potential spikes and derive relevant demand signal information. In many cases relevant requirements are obscured from planners because all demand (including planned orders based on forecast and safety stock requirements) is aggregated together for aggregate planning purposes.

      External variability considers both demand and supply variability.

      Variable Rate of Demand

      This refers to the potential for swings and spikes in demand that could overwhelm resources (capacity, stock, cash, etc.). This variability can be calculated by a variety of equations or determined heuristically by experienced planning personnel. As noted in the APICS Dictionary,

      “Mathematically, demand variability or uncertainty can be calculated through standard deviation, mean absolute deviation (MAD) or variance of forecast errors.” If the data required for mathematical calculation do not exist, companies can also use the following criteria:


High-demand variability. Products and parts that are subject to frequent spikes within the customer tolerance time.


Medium-demand variability. Products and parts that are subject to occasional spikes within the customer tolerance time.


Low-demand variability. Products and parts that have little to no spike activity. The demand is stable within the customer tolerance time.

      Variable Rate of Supply

      This is the potential for and severity of disruptions in sources of supply or specific suppliers. This can also be referred to as supply continuity variability. It can be calculated by examining the variance of promise dates versus actual receipt dates. When first considering the variable rate of supply, the initial variances can be caused by critical inherent flaws in the MRP system. Additionally, those dates often shift due to other shortcomings associated with the way MRP is employed rather than because of the supplier capability. Any critical supplier of a major manufacturer will know exactly which day its customer regenerates its MRP. These suppliers will see a flurry of additional orders, canceled orders, and changes to orders (quantity, specification, and request date).

      If the data required for mathematical calculation do not exist, the following heuristics can be used:


High supply variability. Frequent supply disruptions


Medium supply variability. Occasional supply disruptions


Low supply variability. Reliable supply

      There are places in the integrated bill of material (BOM) structure (matrix bill of material) or the distribution network that provide a company with the most available options as well as the best lead time compression to meet the business needs. Within manufacturing, these places are typically represented by key purchased materials, subassemblies, and intermediate components. This becomes more critical in environments with BOMs that are deeper and more complex (broader) and have more shared components and materials. This concept will be explored in detail later in this chapter.

      Similar to how variability can impact a bill of material, the longer and more complex the routing structure and dependent chain of events (including interplant transfers), the more important it can be to protect identified key areas. These types of operations include areas where there is limited capacity, or where quality can be compromised by disruptions,

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