The Barkerville Mysteries 3-Book Bundle. Ann Walsh

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The Barkerville Mysteries 3-Book Bundle - Ann Walsh A Barkerville Mystery

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Mr. Tremblay. How could it be self-defence?”

      “The jury will decide that, Ted. Don’t worry your young head with those details. Perhaps we’ll learn more at the inquest.”

      “The inquest? What’s that?”

      “The coroner—Dr. Bell—has examined the body, and now he’ll tell a jury how Ah Mow died. Those who witnessed the murder, if anyone did, will say what they saw. The jury will decide if the death was accidental or not.”

      “I see.”

      “If the coroner’s jury finds that Ah Mow met his death at the hands of a person or persons unknown, then we must have a trial and Mr. Tremblay will be subjected to further indignities.”

      “But if he killed Ah Mow—”

      “It’s early days to be deciding that, Ted. First the inquest. Come along.”


      “Of course you. That’s why I’m here. I came to ask your father if we could borrow you. Your testimony may be needed. You were there only moments after Ah Mow died.”

      “I was,” I said, remembering fresh blood steaming in the cold. Suddenly I felt hot, and I moved toward the door, opening it and standing in the rush of fresh air that swept into the room.

      “What are you thinking of, Ted?” The chief constable moved closer to the stove. “Shut that door, please. I’ve only recently escaped from the bitter cold and must soon return to it. Just as I’m beginning to thaw my frozen fingers, you fling the door wide and invite winter back in. What’s the matter with you?”

      Slowly I closed the door, then turned to face him. “I saw nothing that many others didn’t also see. There’s no need for me to go to the inquest, is there?”

      The chief constable laughed. “Many of the Chinese say they saw everything. But to get any sense out of those heathens—well, it will be as much as we can do to get a straight story. Besides, everyone knows Celestials would as soon lie as breathe.”

      “That’s not true—” I began, but the chief constable didn’t let me finish.

      “Put on your coat then, Ted, and let’s be off.” “Now? The inquest is now?

      “The jury is convened, the coroner is ready to begin. We’ve delayed the proceedings until your arrival, but everyone is waiting.”

      I swallowed hard. “But I haven’t had lunch,” I said, even though I didn’t feel at all hungry.

      “Lunch must wait on justice. Come along.”

      Reluctantly I went.


      The Theatre Royal, where the inquest was being held, was packed. I took a quick look, but thankfully didn’t see Jenny in the crowd. I was relieved. I knew I would have to meet her and be properly introduced sooner or later, but I preferred that it be later. Much later.

      In the theatre the curtains were open and a table had been set up on the stage. Dr. Bell sat behind the table, and there was a row of chairs, filled with men, to his left.

      Chief Constable Lindsay led me to the front of the theatre. Sing Kee and two other Chinese were there as well as a few other men whose names I didn’t know. “Sit down,” the chief constable said. “We kept these seats for the witnesses. My, there’s quite a crowd. Sit, Ted. You’ll have a good view of the proceedings from here.”

      I sat beside Sing Kee, who nodded at me. “So. You will be a witness. That is good.”

      This was an excellent seat for watching musical performances, but it wasn’t so good when every person behind you was staring at the back of your neck, wondering what you were doing there. At least that was what it felt like to me—as if a thousand pairs of eyes were boring into my neck. I could feel myself, neck and all, growing red.

      Mr. Tremblay and another man sat on chairs on the other side of Dr. Bell, and a constable stood behind them. The Frenchman wasn’t handcuffed, as far as I could tell, but he didn’t look happy. His frown drew his face into deep creases and narrowed his eyes.

      “Ah, the helpful boy,” Henri Tremblay said when he saw me. “The one who is almost docteur.” He laughed briefly, then fell silent when the man beside him put a hand on his shoulder.

      “This coroner’s court is now in session,” Dr. Bell said. “The jury has been selected.” He motioned to the men sitting on chairs. “The Honourable Mr. Walkem, a fine solicitor, is here to watch the interests of the accused, Mr. Henri Tremblay. Let us begin. Mr. Walkem, I understand you wish to address this inquest.”

      The man beside Henri Tremblay rose and bowed. “If it please the court, sir,” he said, “Mr. Tremblay is well-known in Cariboo as a proprietor of a farm near Quesnel Mouth, the owner of a store in Mosquito Creek, and a dealer in agricultural products. He bears an excellent character and is much respected by the entire community. It is impossible that such a man would commit murder. Arresting him has been a terrible mistake.”

      “I agree,” said Dr. Bell. “It is unfortunate. But as you well know, Mr. Walkem, this is not the time for such remarks. First, we must proceed with the inquest, after which Mr. Tremblay will appear before a magistrate and at that time you may present all the testimony you wish about your client’s upstanding character.”

      Mr. Walkem thanked the doctor and sat again.

      I stared at the floor. My stomach felt peculiar, but whether it was from hunger or something else, I didn’t know.

      A Chinese man was led to the stage, and the jury foreman asked him his name. He was Ah Ohn, he replied, and was on the street when Ah Mow died.

      “Are—were—you and Mr. Mow related?” asked the foreman.


      “Then why do you have the same name—Ah?”

      “It means like ‘mister.’ Not real name.”

      “Oh, now I understand,” the foreman said. “So tell us, Mr. Ohn, what did you see?” The audience was completely still; it almost seemed as if no one breathed.

      Ah Ohn looked directly at the foreman as he answered. “I see murder. I see white man kill Ah Mow.” He pointed at Henri Tremblay.

      There was a gasp from the people in the audience. It appeared they found the proceedings just as entertaining as the last performance at the Theatre Royal, a melodrama with an evil, bearded villain and a vain but beautiful heroine.

      The coroner waited until everyone was quiet again before he asked, “So you claim you saw murder done, Mr. Ohn? Could you be more specific, please?”

      The witness looked at him, not understanding the question.

      “More details. Details of what you claim to have seen.”

      “Details? What is details?”

      “Explain what you saw,” said

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