Hannah Smart 2-Book Bundle. Melody Fitzpatrick

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Hannah Smart 2-Book Bundle - Melody Fitzpatrick Hannah Smart

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Dad will say, Oh darling, you don’t need money. We want to take you because we know you are Josh Taylor’s biggest fan!

      And then I’ll look into my mother’s eyes and she’ll see how happy I am, and she’ll look into my father’s eyes and see how happy he is, and then she’ll reach across the table and take our hands in hers, smile, and say, Okay you can go to the concert and we will totally pay.

      “Hannah, lift up your glass, your dad is making a toast!” Mom frowns.

      “What … now?” I stammer. Oh, here it comes! I can hardly wait! Okay, pretend to look surprised.

      I lift my glass of Coke and Dad starts, “Today I learned some very exciting news. I think you’re going to be very …”

      Just then the phone rings. Mom gets up.

      “Hannah, it’s Rachel.” She gestures for me to make it quick.

      “Hi,” Rachel whispers, “tell me what’s going on, but do it fast ’cause if Mom catches me on the phone, I’m dead.”

      “Hi,” I say quickly, “I can’t talk now because we’re eating supper! I’ll call you back later!” I slam down the phone and rush back to my seat at the table. “Okay, Dad, as you were saying?”

      “Okay,” he says, raising his eyebrow. “This afternoon I got some wonderful news. Actually, it’s great news for all of us! I just found out I’m getting a big promotion at work.”

      “But Dad, I can’t go to the concert. I have no money to buy a ticket,” I say with a sigh.

      Dad shakes his head. “Hannah, what are you talking about?”

      “You just said you were taking us to the Josh Taylor concert, and I said I don’t have money for a ticket.” I glance over at my mom, who is frowning.

      “I didn’t say anything about a concert.” He looks confused.

      “You didn’t? I’m sure you just said you were taking us to the concert. Didn’t you?”

      “No, Hannah, I said I got a big promotion at work.”

      “Promotion?” I repeat dumbly.

      “Yes, promotion! This is my exciting news! This is what I’ve been trying to tell you!” His face is beaming. “Today I got a promotion.”

      You know when you’re in a soccer game and you’re right beside the net, the ball is speeding toward you, and you’ve got a clear shot to score the winning goal, but instead the ball slams you right in the gut …

      No one seems to notice that I’m in a state of shock. Why would they care? They have exciting news to talk about. What’s so exciting about a stupid promotion anyway? I mean a promotion is just … well, a better job and more money and … wait a second … I think I may have possibly found a silver lining to this grey cloud of information.

      “Hey, Dad,” I say, flashing a big smile, “congratulations on your promotion. So I guess that means you’re going to be making, like, tons of more money, right?”

      He smiles back. “Well Hannah, it means a lot of things, and yes, a nice boost to my salary is one of them. It also means that there’s going to be a few changes around here. I’ll be working a lot and so I won’t be home as much as I am now. Your mother is going to need you to help out more.” He reaches over to give my mom’s hand a squeeze. For some reason she isn’t smiling back. Weird … you’d think she’d be crazy happy about a nice fat paycheque! Instead, she gets up and starts clearing the table.


      “So, Dad,” I say in my sweetest voice, “I heard some exciting news today, too. Josh Taylor is coming to Glen Haven. Isn’t that exciting?”

      “I’m sure it is for you, Hannah,” he says.

      “Yeah, so I really want to go to his concert,” I blurt out.

      “That’s nice,” he replies, totally not taking the bait.

      “Well, Dad, with your new raise and everything, do you think you’d have enough money to buy me a ticket?” I half whisper.

      “Yeah, I think I could manage that,” he whispers back, smiling.

      “Really! You could manage it?” I say in a hushed squeal.

      He nods. “Yup, I think I can definitely manage it.”

      Wow, that was easy! He said yes! It’s totally official! I am going to see Josh Taylor, live in concert, breathing the same air and …

      “Manage what?” says my mother from across the kitchen.

      I shove a piece of pizza in my mouth.

      “Hannah just asked me …” Dad starts.

      “Mmmmm,” I say loudly, with my mouth full, “this pizza is so good!”

      My mother’s eyes narrow. “Hannah, what did you ask your father?”

      “Oh, Mom,” I scold her, “this is Dad’s night, not mine. Let’s not talk about me.”

      “Hannah, I know what’s going on here,” she says, frowning, “and it’s not going to happen.”

      Great, and just like that another soccer ball slams me right in the gut.

      My stomach hurts.


      Two Plans Are Better Than One

      When I arrive at school the next morning, the volume level is louder than usual, especially with the girls; every one of them is wearing an ear-to-ear grin as they chatter away in their little groups. One of them is holding a newspaper. She points to something on the front page, lets out a little squeal, and then clutches it to her heart.

      I need to find Rachel!

      I scan the hallway. I peek in her classroom for the third time, and then check the hallway again. I’m desperate to find her. When I called her back last night she was still banned from the phone and the Internet. She probably doesn’t even know yet!

      I spot her just as the bell rings. She’s actually sticking out like a sore thumb because she appears to be the only girl in the whole school who is frowning. Actually, this is great! She can’t possibly know. I’ll get to tell her myself!


      I run in her direction, ignoring the bell.

      “So, Josh Taylor,” I say breathlessly.

      “Yeah I know,” she replies.

      “You know?”


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