Periplus Pocket Indonesian Dictionary. Katherine Davidsen

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Periplus Pocket Indonesian Dictionary - Katherine Davidsen

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tie, fasten; terikat ADJ bound

      iklan N advertisement

      iklim N climate

      ikut V join in, go along with; ~ serta take part, participate; berikut ADJ following; mengikut V to follow, accompany; mengikuti V to follow, join, participate in

      ilir → hilir

      ilmu N science, study; ~ filsafat philosophy; ~ fisika physics; ~ kimia chemistry; ~ pasti the physical sciences, mathe­matics; ~ sejarah history; keilmuan ADJ scientific

      imbal: imbalan N compen­sation, reward, repayment

      imbang balanced; ber­imbang ADJ balanced, proportional; seimbang ADJ balanced, well-proportioned; ke­seimbangan N balance

      imél N email

      imigrasi N immigration

      imitasi N fake

      Imlék N (Tahun Baru) ~ Chinese New Year

      impi: impian N dream

      impor import; mengimpor V to import; pengimpor N importer

      inai N henna

      inap stay the night; menginap V to stay the night, stay over; penginapan N accom­modation, hotel

      inci N inch

      indah ADJ beautiful; kein­dahan N beauty

      indera, indra N sense; ~ penglihatan sense of sight

      India N India; orang ~ Indian

      Indian orang ~ Native American, (South) American Indian

      Indo orang ~ person of mixed Western and Indonesian descent

      Indonésia Indonesia; Bahasa ~, orang ~ Indonesian

      induk mother (animal); ~ ayam mother hen

      indung mother, home

      inféksi N infection; ter­inféksi ADJ infected

      info, informasi N information, info

      informatika N information technology (IT)

      infus N (saline) drip; diinfus V to be put on a drip

      ingat remember; ingatan N memory; mengingat V to remember, bear in mind; mengingatkan V to remind someone about something; memper­ingati V to com­memorate; peringatan N warning; commemoration, remembrance

      Inggris Britain; England, English; ~ Raya Great Britain; bahasa ~ English; orang ~ English; British

      ingin V to wish, desire; keinginan N desire, wish

      ingkar V to break (a vow etc)

      ingus N nasal mucus

      ini PRON this, these; begini ADV like this; segini ADJ this much

      injak V to tread, pedal; meng­injak V to step, tread, or stamp on

      injil N gospel, Bible

      insinyur, Ir N engineer

      insya Allah ISL God willing

      intan N diamond

      interlokal ADJ long-distance (dialing)

      intérn ADJ internal

      internasional ADJ inter­national

      intérnis N specialist (doctor)

      interviu, interpiu N inter­view; menginterviu V to interview

      inti N core, kernel, nucleus

      intim ADJ intimate, close

      intip, mengintip V to peep at, spy on

      IPA ABBREV ilmu pengetahu­an alam natural sciences

      ipar in-law

      IPS ABBREV ilmu pengetahuan sosial social sciences

      Ir insinyur title for holder of a degree in engineering or architecture

      Irak N Iraq; orang ~ Iraqi

      irama N rhythm

      Iran N Iran; orang ~ Iranian

      iri envy; ~ (hati) envious

      Irian N (West) Papua, Irian; ~ Jaya Indonesian province between 1963 & 2000; orang ~ Papuan

      irigasi N irrigation

      iris slice thinly; irisan N slice

      irit economical; save money

      Irlandia N Ireland

      Isa N Jesus → Yesus

      isak sob; terisak(-isak) ADJ sobbing

      isap V to suck on; mengisap V to suck

      iseng for fun, not serious; waste or kill time

      isi contents, volume, full; berisi V to contain; ADJ full, filled out; mengisi V to fill, load

      Islam Islam; agama ~ Islam; orang ~ Muslim

      Isra Miraj N, ISL holiday commemorating Muham­mad’s ascent to Heaven

      istana N palace

      isteri, istri N wife; beristeri, beristri ADJ, M married

      istilah N term, word

      istiméwa ADJ special

      istirahat rest, recreation, break; beristirahat V to rest, take a break

      istri, isteri N wife; beristeri, beristri ADJ, M married

      isu N issue, controversy

      isya night prayer (during the hours of darkness)

      isyarat N signal, sign, gesture

      Itali, Italia N Italy

      itik N duck

      itu PRON that, those; begitu ADV like that; segitu ADJ that much

      iya COLL yes; ~ ya it is, isn’t it?

      izin, ijin permission; meng­izinkan V to permit, allow


      jabat: jabatan N position, work; ber­­jabat(an) ~ tangan to shake hands; pejabat N (government) official

      jadi V to become, happen; CONJ so; tidak ~ it didn’t hap­pen, it fell through; kejadian N event, happening; crea­tion;

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