Periplus Pocket Indonesian Dictionary. Katherine Davidsen
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beri V to give; ~ tahu to inform, let know → beritahu; memberi V to give; memberikan V to give someone (as an act of kindness); to give something (for someone)
beribu, beribu-ribu ADJ thousands of → ribu
berikut ADJ following → ikut
berimbang ADJ balanced, proportional → imbang
beringin N banyan (tree)
berisi V to contain; ADJ full, filled out → isi
berisik ADJ noisy, loud; to rustle → risik
berisiko V to be risky → risiko
beristeri, beristri ADJ, M married → isteri, istri
beristirahat V to rest, take a break → istirahat
berita N news, information; memberitakan V to report
beritahu, beri tahu V to inform, let know; memberitahu V to advise, inform, tell; pemberitahuan N announcement, notice
berjabat, berjabatan ~ tangan to shake hands → jabat
berjalan V to walk, move → jalan
berjam-jam ADJ for hours and hours → jam
berjamur ADJ moldy → jamur
berjanji V to promise → janji
berjemur V to sunbathe, sun yourself → jemur
berjénggot ADJ bearded → jénggot
berjilbab V to wear the veil → jilbab
berjogét V to dance → jogét
berjuang V to fight, struggle → juang
berjudi V to gamble → judi
berjudul V to have a title; ADJ titled → judul
berjumlah V to number → jumlah
berjumpa V to meet → jumpa
berjuta V to have millions of → juta
berkali-kali ADV repeatedly, again and again → kali
berkapasitas V with a capacity of → kapasitas
berkarat ADJ rusty → karat
berkas N bundle; file, dossier, brief
berkata v to say, speak → kata
berkawan V to have or be friends with → kawan
berkedip V to blink (two eyes) or wink (one eye); berkedip-kedip ADJ blinking → kedip
berkelahi V to quarrel, fight, fall out → kelahi
berkelas ADJ classy → kelas
berkeliling V to go around → keliling
berkeluarga V to have a family, be married → keluarga
berkémah V to camp, go camping → kémah
berkembang V to develop, expand; negara ~ developing country → kembang
berkencan V to go on a date → kencan
berkeringat V to sweat → keringat
berkesan ADJ impressive → kesan
berkibar V to wave, flutter → kibar
berkilau ADJ glittering, sparkling → kilau
berkisah V to tell a story → kisah
berkisar V to revolve, rotate, turn → kisar
berkoméntar V to (make a) comment → koméntar
berkorban V to make sacrifices, do without → korban
berkualitas ADJ quality → kualitas
berkuasa ADJ powerful, mighty → kuasa
berkuda V to ride a horse, go (horse-)riding → kuda
berkuku ADJ having nails or claws; clawed → kuku
berkulit to have skin, skinned → kulit
berkumpul V to assemble, meet → kumpul
berkumur(-kumur) V to gargle → kumur
berkunjung V to visit, pay a visit to → kunjung
berkurang V to decrease, diminish, subside → kurang
berlaku ADJ effective, valid; V to behave → laku
berlambang V to have a symbol → lambang
berlangganan V to subscribe to → langgan
berlangsung V to take place → langsung
berlari V to run → lari
berlayar V to sail → layar
berlebihan ADJ excessive → lebih
berlian N diamond
berlibur V to go or be on holiday → libur
berlindung V to (take) shelter → lindung
berlomba V to compete, race → lomba
berlumuran ADJ smeared, stained → lumur
berlutut V to kneel (down) → lutut
bermacam-macam ADJ various → macam
bermain V to play → main
bermaksud V to intend → maksud
bermalam V to spend or stay the night → malam
bermalas-malas(an) V to lie or laze around, be lazy → malas
bermanfaat ADJ useful, of benefit → manfaat
bermasalah ADJ problematic, troublesome → masalah
bermérek ADJ branded → mérek
bermimpi V to dream → mimpi
berminggu-minggu ADV for weeks → minggu
berminyak ADJ oily, greasy → minyak
bermotif V to have a design → motif
bermuka V to have a face; ~ dua two-faced → muka