Self-Sufficiency: Natural Home Remedies. Melissa Corkhill

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Self-Sufficiency: Natural Home Remedies - Melissa Corkhill Self-Sufficiency

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      Home Remedies

illustration illustration



      Home Remedies


      Melissa Corkhill


      Published 2016—IMM Lifestyle Books

      IMM Lifestyle Books are distributed in the UK by Grantham Book Service.

      In North America, IMM Lifestyle Books are distributed by

      Fox Chapel Publishing

      1970 Broad Street

      East Petersburg, PA 17520

      Copyright © 2011, 2016 text: Melissa Corkhill

      Copyright © 2011, 2016 artworks: IMM Lifestyle Books

      Copyright © 2011, 2016 IMM Lifestyle Books

      Melissa Corkhill has asserted her moral right to be identified as the author of this work.

      All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording or otherwise, without the prior written permission of the publishers and copyright holders.

      ISBN 978 1 5048 0041 9

      10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1

      Printed in Singapore

       Publisher’s Note

      The natural remedies included in this book are not intended as a substitute for professional medical treatment. A physician should be consulted in all cases of medical concern and if symptoms arise that require medical diagnosis. Neither the author nor the publisher accept any responsibility or liability for any effects that may arise from following the advice given here.


       Getting started

       Treating ailments

       Mind and emotions

       Nervous system

       Digestive system

       Urinary system

       Respiratory system

       The skin

       Heart and blood health

       Bones, muscles and joints

       Eyes and ears

       Women’s health

       Babies and children

       Suppliers and useful websites


illustration illustration

      Getting started

      Nature provides us with a wealth of natural remedies that can help to ease and soothe illnesses, ailments and common health complaints. The following pages contain all you need to know to begin treating yourself and your family by increasing your plant knowledge, putting together a herbal first aid kit and even growing your own medicine.


      I started this journey as a child, always fascinated by plants and intrigued at the natural remedies that my mother used to treat us when my brother, sister and I were ill. She had a huge collection of homeopathic remedies and through her treating us, I learnt about many of them, what they were made from and what symptoms they could be used to treat. I came to understand that a heavy cold could benefit from a dose of Pulsatilla, that a case of nerves before an exam was effectively treated using Gelsemium, and that a hot honey and lemon drink was the best remedy for a sore throat.


      When my own children were born I started to use natural remedies to treat their illnesses and found that as they got older they were able to decide what remedy would work best for them. They instinctively know what plant will be most effective to help their bodies to heal. I have learned to trust their innate knowledge and at the time of writing none of us has seen a doctor for six years! We are our own doctors, which is a liberating feeling.

      No one can know and understand your body better than you can. I like to do a body scan meditation every once in a while to give my body a chance to really let me know how it is feeling and any problem areas that need looking at. Simply lie down in a comfortable place where you can be sure that you won’t be disturbed for at least 20 minutes. Bring your attention to your feet.Think about how they feel. Give your body time to respond, as you may not be used to focussing on individual parts in this way. If you can’t decide how your feet are feeling first time, don’t worry, simply move to your ankles and focus on them.

      Slowly move up your body, thinking about how it is feeling, until you get to the head. You may have thoughts such as ‘I’m tired; I feel confused; I feel stuck’. After you have

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