Self-Sufficiency: Natural Home Remedies. Melissa Corkhill

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Self-Sufficiency: Natural Home Remedies - Melissa Corkhill Self-Sufficiency

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Acknowledging these stressful situations is the first step in dealing with them. Once you have a list of stressful things in your life take the first item on your list and brainstorm who or what could support you. Perhaps your neighbour could take the children to school and you could collect them? Maybe you could have a picnic supper at the weekends, or a takeaway night, or perhaps someone else in your household could take over the cooking for a while. The monthly reports might be a task that could be completed by a colleague. Stick this list up in a prominent place and start to action the alternatives. There are also a number of natural remedies that can support you in this process.

      Starting the day with a bowl of porridge helps to strengthen the system and gives you a clearer and more positive outlook. Bathe with a few drops of essential oils of camomile, geranium, lavender, neroli and rose. Add a few drops of each (or whichever you have to hand) to warm running water and sink in for a relaxing, uplifting experience that can help to wash your troubles away.


      Ten tips to de-stress

      Here are some ideas for when the going gets tough. Always try to remember that tomorrow is another day. If all else fails, get an early night and wake up with a fresh take on life.

      1. Wake up early in the morning to enjoy half an hour quiet time on your own. This will allow you time to collect your thoughts and energise yourself for the day ahead.

      2. Go for a bracing walk. Exercise releases serotonin, the happy hormone, so you start to feel better as soon as you get into your stride.

      3. Arrange a night in with your partner. Using some sensual essential oils, give each other a massage.

      4. Breathe properly. Many of us use only a tenth of our lung capacity. Imagine how good we would feel if we learn to use half or more? Breath work can teach us how to use more of our lungs’ full potential.

      5. Run a warm bath, surround it with candles, climb in and relax.

      6. Laugh. Phone a friend who makes you laugh or rent a funny movie.

      7. Retreat to a quite place such as a favourite armchair and enjoy a good book.

      8. Take your family out for the day. Getting away from the house and the daily routine of chores does everyone the world of good once in a while.

      9. Take an evening course in something you feel passionate about.

      10. If all hell is breaking loose and you feel your stress levels rising, walk into another room and count slowly to ten before returning to salvage the situation.

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