Self-Sufficiency: Natural Home Remedies. Melissa Corkhill

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Self-Sufficiency: Natural Home Remedies - Melissa Corkhill Self-Sufficiency

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Pick ripe fruit from summer through to early autumn.

      Uses Can be made into a treatment to prevent discolouration of teeth.


      Other possibilities for the herb spiral

      Sweet violet This creeping evergreen perennial grows to approximately 15 cm (6 in). Both the leaves and flowers are tasty in winter salads. It can be used as a gentle expectorant and is excellent for breast health. Can be made into a poultice to treat breast lumps and mastitis.

      Sorrel This native perennial will reach a mature size of 60 cm (24 in) high and 30 cm (11¾ in) wide. It is very tolerant of a range of conditions, and is easily grown. Delicious when eaten in salads and a good source of nutrients.

      Lemon balm At maturity, this herb is 70 cm (27½ in) tall and 40 cm (16 in) wide. It is very tolerant of a range of conditions and will succeed in light shade. The lemon-flavoured leaves can be used to make a refreshing tea that is uplifting and often used in treatment of depression or anxiety.

      Wild garlic Grows well in wet soils and will reach a height of up to 30 cm (11¾ in). The garlic-flavoured leaves are available in late winter/early spring and can be used in place of garlic in cooking.


      Treating ailments

      The following pages include many common ailments, illnesses and medical conditions that can be successfully treated or soothed using natural remedies. The ailments are grouped by bodily systems but you may find that you need to look in more than one section to find the selection of treatments that will work for you.

      Mind and emotions


      Mentally, we are all affected by the situations that surround us. Sometimes this can become overwhelming and we can suffer from stress. If you regularly suffer from insomnia, depression, anxiety, feeling foggy-headed, dizziness, nausea, feeling drained of energy, or suffer from persistent bacterial and viral infections, it’s time to take action. These symptoms of exhaustion are now widespread and can, at worst, lead to physical collapse.

      Diet and physical exercise are both vital for mental health. We really are what we eat. Caffeine, sugar and fats can play havoc on our bodies and affect our well-being, so think carefully about what you’re eating. If you are having persistent problems then a food sensitivity test might be a good idea, and an experienced nutritionist may be able to help. You may find that some foods are not being processed effectively, which can cause you to feel both mentally and physically out of balance. Wheat, yeast, dairy and sugar are the usual culprits. Try eliminating these from your diet one at a time over the course of a week to check how your body reacts to these foods. Be sure to include plenty of fresh greens, nuts, seeds and protein to help keep your body healthy whilst eliminating toxins.

      Introducing regular, gentle exercise is another important step towards a happier, healthier mind. Aerobic exercise releases feel-good hormones – known as endorphins – which leave you feeling much brighter after a burst of activity. Be aware that the information we feed ourselves with affects us too – if you can, avoid the newspaper and news programmes full of doom and gloom about the state of the world. Choose to read something inspirational or watch an uplifting film instead.

      Meditation can be very beneficial in ensuring good mental health and you may find that regular practice helps to improve concentration and memory. Your general mood should lift, sleep will be deeper and more regular and problems will seem less insurmountable. Bach Flower Remedies have been specially formulated to treat emotional disorders. The blend of five flower essences, Rescue Remedy is a good place to start as it can be used to treat so many differing conditions. Use it when you are feeling low or anxious.


      A dependence on a substance such as alcohol or nicotine. Physical withdrawal symptoms can include craving, mood swings and depression. Try using anti-depressant oils such as camomile, ylang ylang and clary sage. A few drops of each can be added to a carrier oil such as organic sweet almond oil. Use this to massage into your arms, chest and legs. It can also be added to a warm bath for an uplifting treat. Also, you might like to add a few drops of clary sage to your cuffs and collar when getting dressed to help you carry the scent with you and allow you to feel the effects all day long. Oats are a useful remedy for helping you to strengthen your willpower when letting something go from your life. They also have a calming effect on the mind. Make oat water (see page 30) and drink three times a day.


      Oat water

      Mentally this is good for strengthening willpower, and physically it can be used to treat the symptoms of diarrhoea and cystitis.

      ▸ 1 tbsp oats

      ▸ 1 cup of water

      1. Combine the oats and water in a bowl, stir and leave to infuse for 20 minutes.

      2. Stir again and strain the mixture through a muslin cloth.

      3. Drink the resulting the liquid. The muslin cloth containing the oats can be tied and used as a bath bag to soothe the skin and also to calm the mind and aid more restful sleep.



      A state of fear or apprehension that can become constant. It is associated with depression and causes symptoms such as sweaty palms, rapid pulse, breathlessness, headaches and loss of appetite. Oat can be used as a gentle nerve tonic. Eat porridge for breakfast to benefit from their effects. Also try oat water (above). This tonic can be taken three times a day to help you get over challenging times. Use Rescue Remedy during panic attacks. Place a few drops on the tongue or rub into the pulse points.


      Often triggered by a stressful life event, depression is a feeling of despondency and unhappiness that lasts for a long time. Some women experience this after childbirth, when it is known as Post Natal Depression. Borage (also known as starflower) is recognised for its uplifting properties. A tincture can be made from the bright blue flowers.


      Borage tincture

      This tincture can help to lift the spirits when everything seems hopeless.


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