Self-Sufficiency: Natural Home Remedies. Melissa Corkhill

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Self-Sufficiency: Natural Home Remedies - Melissa Corkhill Self-Sufficiency

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A handful of borage flowers

      ▸ 200 ml (7 fl oz) alcohol, such as organic vodka or brandy

      ▸ 100 ml (3½ fl oz) water

      1. Place the borage flowers in a large glass jar with a well-fitting lid.

      2. Cover with the alcohol and water.

      3. Replace the lid and leave to infuse for two weeks, gently shaking from time to time.

      4. Strain the mixture though a muslin cloth, retaining the liquid. Bottle the tincture and store.

      5. To drink, add 1 tsp to a glass of water.

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      Nurturing tea

      Try this calming, nurturing tea when you are feeling low.

      ▸ Motherwort

      ▸ Lemon Balm

      1. Pick equal amounts of Motherwort and Lemon Balm. Spread on a baking tray and leave in a warm, dry place for a week.

      2. Once dried, crumble into a glass jar and store.

      3. To drink, place 2 tsp of the dried herbs into a cup. Fill with boiling water and leave to infuse for ten minutes. Strain and drink.



      This refers to the inability to sleep or disturbance of sleep patterns. Can be caused by emotional stress, worry and exhaustion. Excess caffeine, rich food and alcohol can also play a part in disturbed sleep patterns. There are plenty of suggestions for helping the mind to rest before sleep but one of the most effective is to keep a notepad by the bed and to jot down whatever is occupying the mind before sleep. I find that this can act as a sort of internal brain cleanse; getting everything out and onto paper so that my mind is ready to let go and go to sleep. A short yoga practice using calming poses such as shoulder stand followed by a relaxation listening to Yoga Nidra can also help to promote restful sleep. Yoga Nidra is known as the yogic sleep and is deeply relaxing to the mind and body. It is a great way to settle before drifting off at night. You can also use the power of mustard and take a hot footbath before bed to help calm the mind (see recipe on page 62). The mustard draws blood away from the head, aiding relaxation.

      Herbal bath bag

      Make this herbal bath bag for a soak just before bed, which should help you get a good night’s rest.

      ▸ 1 tbsp each of dried camomile flowers, dried lavender flowers and oats

      1. Take a 30 cm (11¾ in) square of muslin and lay it out flat.

      2. Place the dried flowers and oats in the centre of the muslin square. Gather up the corners and tie with string to secure.

      3. Place in a warm bath and relax.

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      Memory loss

      Also known as amnesia, this is a partial or complete memory loss, caused by a physical or mental disease or sometimes from a physical trauma such as a blow to the head. While anyone experiencing memory loss should consult a medical professional, rosemary can help to refresh the memory in minor cases when use in cooking or make a herbal tea. Place a small handful of chopped rosemary into a cup, cover with boiling water, leave to infuse for ten minutes. Strain and then drink. Enjoy as needed (up to three cups) throughout the day.

      Obsessive compulsive disorder

      An obsession to perform a certain ritual. This can be something as simple as repeated hand washing or repeated checking that the windows are shut at night, for example. It usually starts after a stressful life event, and minor obsessions and compulsions are said to affect 15 per cent of the population. camomile is a good herb to help calm the mind, release tension and encourage a letting go of behavioural patterns. Use as a tea and drink as often as needed throughout the day. Burn the essential oil of camomile in an oil burner along with marjoram, both of which are helpful in encouraging you to find balance. You can also add a few drops of each to a warm relaxing bath.



      This is a fear of something that can cause disruption to everyday living. Agoraphobia (fear of open spaces) and acrophobia (fear of heights) are some of the more common phobias, but they can range from fear of another person or an object to any number of experiences or situations. It is said that 10 per cent of the population have a phobia of one kind or another. The flower essences created by Dr. Bach were developed to help people deal with emotional problems and there are a number of remedies that can help with phobias. Rescue Remedy for example can be used to treat causes of mild to severe panic – place five drops on the tongue, or apply to pulse points on the wrist and behind the ears. Aromatherapy can be very beneficial in the treatment of phobias. A blend of essential oils such as bergamot, lavender, melissa and ylang ylang can be calming and rebalancing to the nervous system when in a state of distress. Add a few drops of each to a carrier oil to make up a bath blend. It will have a slight sedative effect.

      Fear diffuser

      This can be spritzed as often as necessary during challenging times.

      ▸ A few drops of bergamot, lavender, melissa and ylang ylang essential oils

      ▸ Spring water

      1. Take a small spray top bottle and add a few drops each essential oil.

      2. Top up with spring water.

      3. Spritz over the face (close your eyes) and wrists as needed.



      This is a growing disorder in our modern world. Many factors can affect our mental health, such as inadequate diet, environment, noise pollution and financial strains. This mental discomfort has a knock-on effect on the body, encouraging a rapid production of hormones, which can cause increased breathing and heart rate, leading to nausea and tense muscles. As soon as the stressful situation is resolved the body returns to normal. If the situation continues, energy levels dwindle and exhaustion sets in. Fortunately there are many natural treatments for this common disorder. The first and most obvious is to take a good look at your life and address the common triggers for stress. Are

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