War-Path and Bivouac, Or the Conquest of the Sioux. John F. Finerty

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War-Path and Bivouac, Or the Conquest of the Sioux - John F. Finerty

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Courage—Panic Among Their Horses —They Use their Revolvers—The Worthless Carbines— Practically Disarmed—The Custer Family Wiped Out—Reno’s Sorry Plight—The Exultant Savages Exhibit Custer’s Guidons— Arrival of Generals Terry and Gibbon—The Soldiers Cheer Them— An Exciting Scene—The Generals Console the Discouraged Troops—Ghastly Scenes on Custer’s Battlefield—The Hero’s Body Escapes Mutilation—Terry Retires on His Base of Supplies—He Rests at Rosebud Landing until August, etc.



      Return of the Snakes—Indian Deviltry—Arrival of the Wagon Train— Bad Women and Worse Whisky—A Captain Dismissed in the Field —General Crook’s Anger—The Women Arrested and the Whisky Seized—Arrival of Couriers from General Terry—Traveling in the Indian Country, and How it is Done—Waiting for Reinforcements— The 5th Cavalry Unexpectedly Delayed on its March to Join Crook —General Merritt’s Brilliant Conduct in Checking the Cheyenne Tribe on War Bonnet Creek—He Drives Them into Red Cloud Agency—The Chief. Yellow Hand, Killed by Buffalo Bill —Thrilling Adventure of a Scout named Kelly—He Goes Alone Through the Wilderness with Dispatches from Crook to Terry—He Gives Some Pointers on How to Make the Trip in Safety—“ Buffalo Chip ” Arrives from Merritt—Junction With that Officer —Pen Pictures—Merritt. Carr and Buffalo Bill—A Council of War —Conflagration in the Mountains—A Prairie Fire— Headlong Flight of Wild Animals—Buffalo Bill’s Opinion of the Campaign, etc.




      Down to Bed Rock—The Wagon Train Abandoned—In Light Marching Order—Through Tongue River Canon—Cross March to the Rosebud —Site of the Great Hostile Village—A Fresh Indian Trail— Weird Night March—Intense Darkness —Grewsome Surroundings —A Splendid Illumination—Lurid Grandeur of a Forest Fire in the Wilderness—Halt and Bivouac, etc



      Down the Rosebud —Great Bituminous Coal Deposits—Daring Ride of Captain “Jack” Crawford, the Scout, and Captain Graves, the Montana Miner — A Cheerless Camping Place—Letters from Home—A Cloud of Dust —“ Is It Terry? Is It Sitting Bull ?” Buffalo Bill Rides Forward to Find Out —Panic of Terry's Crows—Line of Battle Formed Across the Valley—Our Snakes Mistaken for Hostiles, the Cause —Indian Sagacity—Terry and Crook Temporarily Unite Their Forces —The Remnant of the Ill-starred 7th Cavalry—Correspondents with Terry’s Column—Back to Tongue River—A Ghastly Discovery—The Sioux Scalping Knife—Drenched to the Bone —Off for the Lower Powder River—Excellent Infantry— Exhaustion of the March —Pitiful Examples—In Camp on the Yellowstone —A Steamboat and a Colored Woman— Humors of the Situation, etc.



      Sleeping in “Everlasting Wet”— A Senseless Change of Camp —Vivid Lightning —Awful Thunder——Stampeded Mules—Soldiers Chaff Each Other Under Down-pour —Farewell to The Yellowstone —the Commands Separate—Indians Again


      Desert Us—Buffalo Bill Goes Down the River—So do Some Correspondents—“ Ute John ”— Following the Trail—Hardships of the Cross March— Irremovable Boots

      —The Eternal Mud and Water—A Fine Grazing Country-Great Coal Deposits —Burning Coal Beds, etc.



      On the Little Missouri —Loads of Wild Fruit—An Old Camping Ground —Discomforts of Campaigning on Short Allowance of Food and Clothing — The American Army— Some Tyrannical Shoulder-Straps —Crook Makes a Bold Resolve—— ”If Necessary We Can Eat Our Horses ” —Lieut. Lawson’s Disgust —Steam from Wet Human Bodies — Losing Horses by the Score— ” Shank’s Mare ”— Mills Advance Party —A Country Without Wood—Soldiers, Almost ' Starved to Death—,Kill and Eat Horses —Dining on Roasted Cacti Leaves — “44 The Curse of Camps” Attacks the Command Horses Ordered Shot for Food—General Discomfort, etc.



      Mills Strikes an Indian Camp and Captures a Pony Herd—Gallant Conduct of Lieutenants Schwatka, Crawford and Von Leutwitz—The Latter Loses a Leg—Crook Goes to the Rescue—Custer's Guidons Recaptured— The Gauntlets of Colonel Keogh —Other Relics of the Battle of the Little Big Horn—Personal Bravery of General Crook —Several Officers Distinguish Themselves in Trying to Dislodge a Party of Intrenched Indians—Pourier takes a Scalp—A Fire of

      Hell —The Indian Death Chaunt—Women and Children Surrender —Warriors Fight On—American Horse, Fatally Wounded, Surrenders with Two Young Men—They are Given Quarter—A Revolting Group of Dead—Scalping the Slain—Remarkable Death of Private Wenzel —” Buffalo Chip ” Shot


      Through the Heart— ”My God, Boys, I’m Done For!”—A Dead Pappoose—Hungry Soldiers —Crazy Horse Calls Around in the Afternoon—Daring Bravery of the Hostiles —They Attempt to Recapture Their Village—A Picturesque Fight—A Cordon of Fire Around the Valley—A Dashing Indian Leader—Was it Crazy Horse Himself ?—The Savages Finally Baffled and Forced to Retreat—A Burial by Night—The March Resumed —Attack Made on the Rear Guard—The Savages Repulsed by a Battalion of the 5th Cavalry, under General Eugene A. Carr, etc.



      The Tramp to Clay Ridge— A Peculiar Geological Formation —Distant Profile View of Black Hills —Mills Again Sent Forward for the Supplies—The Horrible March From Owl Creek to Willow Creek —The Soldiers Straggle Into Camp All Through the Night— Colonel Royall’s Grit—Camping in the Dark—The Lowing of the Beef Herd —“ Hurrah for Old Crook!"—Quick Butcher Work— Different Styles of Horse Beef — A Cure for Epicureanism—Startling Adventure of Sergeant Van Moll and Corporal Bessie—What Crook Accomplished by His Extraordinary March—The Abandoned Horses —On the Belle Fourche, etc.



      General Sheridan Orders Crook to Meet Him at Fort Laramie

      —The Command Turned Over to General Merritt —Black Hillers Visit the Camp— Black Hills Scenery— Approaching Crook City—The Deadly Frontier Whisky—Deadwood in '76—A Mountain Municipality—Firing Salutes in the General's Honor—A Public BathHouse —At Night the Entire Population Give Crook “ an Ovation" — Deadwood Characters and Characteristics— Gold Dust as Currency, etc.




      Hunting for Horse Shoers—Artillery in “ The Hills"—Crook as Pathfinder —Grand Scenery — Harvey’s Peak and—Hill City A Stout Hearted Ranch-Keeper —" Indian’s Scare No Gold "——Arrival at Custer

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