Studies in the Mahabharata. Wilfried Huchzermeyer

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Studies in the Mahabharata - Wilfried Huchzermeyer

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Jaratkāru’s Brief Marriage

       II – Agastya and Lopāmudrā

       8. Aṇīmāṇḍavya and Durvāsas

       I - Aṇīmāṇḍavya

       II – Durvāsas and Kuntī

       Supernatural Conception

       Durvāsas and Mudgala

       Durvāsas and Kṛṣṇa

       Durvāsas, Kṛṣṇa and the Pāṇḍavas

       9. Saṁvarta

       King Marutta and Nārada’s advice

       Marutta meeting Saṁvarta

       Indra’s Counteraction and Saṁvarta’s Defence

       10. Vasiṣṭha and Viśvāmitra

       Vasiṣṭha Āpava

       Vasiṣṭha Suvarcasa

       Vasiṣṭha Maitrāvaruṇi and Viśvāmitra

       King Kalmāṣapāda

       11. Ṛśyaśṛṅga, Yavakrīta and the Brāhmin Saint

       I – Ṛśyaśṛṅga

       II - Yavakrīta

       III – The Nameless Brāhmin Saint

       12. Sanatsujāta

       Kriyā Yoga

       The Sanatsujātīya

       “Distraction is Death”

       On the Veda

       13. Śuka

       Śuka’s Birth

       At the Court of King Janaka

       Nārada’s Talk on Sanatkumāra’s Wisdom

       Śuka’s Path to Complete Liberation

       Appendix I - Sanskrit Original Texts

       1 – Draupadī in the Assembly Hall

       2 – Vikarṇa’s speech

       3 – The Miracle of endless skirts

       4 – Kṛṣṇa’s commentary on the dice game

       5 – Yudhiṣṭhira’s sermon on forgiveness

       6 – Draupadī’s philosophy of divine determinism

       7 - Yudhiṣṭhira on dharma for its own sake

       8 – Draupadī’s rejection of fatalism and accidentalism

       9 – Śuka’s Life

       Appendix II - A Summary of the Mahābhārata

       I – The Main Action

       II – The Structure



      The present book is based on my dissertation titled Essential Features of Indian Culture and Spirituality, As Presented in the Mahābhārata, submitted to the University of Pune in 1985 under the guidance of Dr. S.D. Laddu. The text has been newly edited for the purpose of this title; several chapters were omitted and numerous passages have been rewritten. I have also given my own translations of all the Sanskrit quotations in the text.

      Wilfried Huchzermeyer

      Whenever this is the case, English translations are marked “SKR” at the end and the respective footnote refers to the Appendix.


      Sri Aurobindo

      V.S. Sukthankar

      P. Lal

      V.S. Sukthankar

      The Mahābhārata is one of the most impressive creations of the Indian mind. If it cannot compare with the Upaniṣads in philosophic

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