More Behavior Solutions In and Beyond the Inclusive Classroom. Beth Aune

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More Behavior Solutions In and Beyond the Inclusive Classroom - Beth Aune

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rel="nofollow" href="#fb3_img_img_4be9568f-101b-5c9d-a98c-eaa80a1d7c82.jpg" alt="image"/> Solutions!

      • Engage the student in class work when he or she returns to class. Do not welcome them back with either a hug or a lecture.

      • Talk with the student later and make a plan to prevent similar instances. Check for understanding of the situation. “Johnny, tell me again why you left the room today?” Address the situation by making it clear to the student that leaving the classroom without permission is not allowed. Offer a concrete plan such as, “Next time you have to leave the classroom, you need to raise your hand and wait for permission.”

      • Develop visual supports (See Appendix A) to help the student remember what behavior is expected.

      • Set up a “safe” area of the classroom where the student can go when she is upset.

      • Allow the student to take a break in a predetermined quiet location or take a walk to prepare him to return to class.


      Lack of Focus in Whole

      Group Instruction

      Some students will be more attentive in a small group where they can receive more direct instruction. However, most teachers need to instruct the whole group, which is especially true as students get older. Many students have language-processing deficits. Some students tend to lose interest quickly, especially when less attention is paid to them directly. If they begin to drift off and lose focus, they may draw other students off task as well and slow the learning process for themselves and others.

      image Solutions!

      • Begin the lesson by asking the student a question that will draw him into the main idea of what will be discussed in the whole group. This personal connection can help the student be more interested and engaged.

      • Call on the student often to keep him interested, and ask him questions about which you know he has background knowledge.

      • Give the student a specific task that requires him to be regularly engaged. Set up a plan with the student to ask one question relevant to the topic each class period.

      • Seat the student in a preferred location in front of or near other students who pay attention.


      Out-of-Seat Behavior

      Today, more than ever, educators are faced with teaching core subjects for longer periods to prepare the class to master state standards. This requires the students to sit at their desks for long periods, and they may lose focus. Many students may have challenges with sustained sitting and have a sensory need for movement to help them maintain an alert state. The student may leave his seat to pace, invent reasons to get up (sharpen pencils, get a drink of water, get some tissue), or stand up at his desk.


      image Solutions!

      • Schedule movement breaks (see Appendix B) for the entire class inside the classroom, such as standing to “stretch and wiggle.”

      • Allow the student to help pass out papers, clean the board, or assist the teacher with technical media.

      • Let the student stand at the back or perimeter of the classroom or at his desk.

      • Allow a very motor-restless student to have a movement break outside the classroom. See Appendix B.

      • Use oral strategies. When the mouth is kept busy, often the body will feel calmer and the student can sit still. See Appendix C.

      • Provide hand fidget tools, such as Koosh balls, rubber bands, paper clips, and tangles.


      In-Seat Behavior

      Some students have an increased need for movement owing to their sensory profile. They may engage in humming, tapping a pencil, shifting position frequently, and appearing distracted. It is important to identify if the student’s behavior is interfering with the others’ learning. Sometimes, a teacher is the one who is distracted. Keep in mind that this student may be engaging in some sensory strategies to help him pay attention to the teacher’s instruction.

      image Solutions!

      • Place the student in an area of the classroom where he does not distract the teacher or classmates.

      • Provide alternative fidget tools that are less noticeable, such as items to keep in his pocket or ones that do not make noise.

      • Let the student keep a hard candy in his mouth to reduce mouth noises.

      • Ask the student questions more frequently to ensure he is paying attention. Some children may appear distracted, but they may actually be attending.

      • Allow the student to stand at his desk when he needs to.


      Difficulty Completing

      Independent Work

      Some students have poor motor skills, decreased organizational skills, and challenges with task sequencing. They may have difficulty with language processing and handwriting, or they may be distracted by environmental stimuli. This student doesn’t have materials ready, can be slow to start an assignment, can appear distracted or disorganized, and can be frustrated or oppositional.

      image Solutions!

      • Identify a consistent location to keep materials secure and readily available, such as a container attached to the side of the desk or on the floor. For example, some students may benefit from attaching pencils to the desk with Velcro.

      • Ensure that the student understands the intent of the assignment and make sure he starts it correctly. Don’t wait until he is halfway through to offer guidance.

      • Modify lengthy assignments to a manageable level.

      • Reward efforts to stay on task (e.g. verbal praise, a token economy).

      • Allow the

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