Apocalypse of the Alien God. Dylan M. Burns

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Apocalypse of the Alien God - Dylan M. Burns Divinations: Rereading Late Ancient Religion

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Adol. poet. aud. Quomodo adolescens poetas audire debeat Amat. Amatorius Adv. Col. Adversus Colotem An. proc. De animae procreatione in Timaeo Cor. Marcius Coriolanus Def. orac. De defectu oraculorum E Delph. De E apud Delphos Fac. De facie in orbe lunae Fort. Rom. De fortuna Romanorum Glor. Ath. De gloria Atheniensium Gen. Socr. De genio Socratis Is. Os. De Iside et Osiride [Lib. ed.] De liberis educandis Pyth. orac. De pythiae oraculis Quaest. conv. Quaestiones convivalum libri IX Sera De sera numinis vindicta Stoic. Rep. De Stoicorum repugnantiis Superst. De superstitione Ps.-Plut. Pseudo-Plutarch De Vit. et Poes. Hom. De vita et poesi Homeri Fat. De fato Porph. Porphyry Abst. De abstinentia Agalm. Peri agalmatōn Aneb. Epistula ad Anebonem Antr. nymph. De antro nympharum Christ. Contra Christianos Isag. Isagoge sive quinque voces Marc. Ad Marcellam Philos. orac. De philosophia ex oraculis Sent. Sententiae Vit. Plot. Vita Plotini Vit. Pyth. Vita Pythagoricae Pre. Pet. Preaching of Peter Pr. Jac. Prayer of Jacob Pr. Jos. Prayer of Joseph Procl. Proclus Diadochus Comm. Remp. In Platonis rem publicam commentarii Comm. Tim. In Platonis Timaeum commentarii El. Theo. Institutio Theologica Plat. Theo. Theologica Platonica Ptol. Ptolemy (the Gnostic) Flor. Epistula ad Floram Quaest. Barth. Quaestiones Bartholomei Quint. Quintilian Inst. Institutio oratoria Sallust. Sallustius Deis De deis Senec. Seneca Ep. Epistulae Ot. De otio Prov. De providentia Tranq. De tranquilitate Seph. raz. Sepher ha-Razim Sext. Emp. Sextus Empiricus Adv. math. Adversus mathematicos ShirShabb Songs of the Sabbath Sacrifice Sib. Or. Sibylline Oracles Simpl. Simplicius Comm. cael. In Aristotelis de caelo commentaria Comm. Ench. Commentarius in Epicteti enchiridion Soph. Jes. Chr. The Sophia of Jesus Christ Steles

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