Miscellaneous Investigations in Central Tikal--Great Temples III, IV, V, and VI. H. Stanley Loten

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Miscellaneous Investigations in Central Tikal--Great Temples III, IV, V, and VI - H. Stanley Loten

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5C-4 PrecinctFigure 3Structure 5C-4 Front ElevationFigure 4Structure 5C-4 Aerial View Looking SouthwestFigure 5Structure 5C-4 Basal Platform DetailsFigure 6Structure 5C-4 PlanFigure 7Structure 5C-4 South ElevationFigure 8Structure 5C-4 Pyramid ProfilesFigure 9Structure 5C-4 Substructure DetailsFigure 10Structure 5C-4 Building PlanFigure 11Structure 5C-4 Section A-A′Figure 12Structure 5C-4 Building Wall DataFigure 13Structure 5C-4 Rear Elevation of SuperstructureFigure 13aStructure 5C-4 Lintel 2Figure 13bStructure 5C-4 Lintel 3Figure 14Structure 5C-4 Upper-Zone DetailsFigure 15Structure 5C-4 View from Structure 5D-3Figure 16Structure 5C-4 Roofcomb ChambersFigure 17Structure 5D-3 LocationFigure 18Structure 5D-3 PlanFigure 19Structure 5D-3 Maler Photograph of the 1890sFigure 20Structure 5D-3 Lintel 2Figure 21Structure 5D-3 DetailsFigure 22Structure 5D-3 East (Front) ElevationFigure 23Structure 5D-3 South (Left Side) ElevationFigure 24Structure 5D-3 West (Rear) ElevationFigure 25Structure 5D-3 Section/Profile A-A′Figure 26Structure 5D-3 Building PlanFigure 27Structure 5D-3 North (Right Side) ElevationFigure 28Structure 5D-3 Section/Profile A-A′ SuperstructureFigure 29Structure 5D-3 Facade SculptureFigure 30Structure 5D-3 East (Front) Elevation RoofcombFigure 31Structure 5D-3 Section/Profile B-B′ RoofcombFigure 32Structure 5D-5 Location and PhotographsFigure 33Structure 5D-5 Superstructure West (Right Side) ElevationFigure 34Structure 5D-5 PlanFigure 35Structure 5D-5 West (Right Side) ElevationFigure 36Structure 5D-5 Stair-Side Outset ProfileFigure 37Structure 5D-5 Building PlanFigure 38Structure 5D-5 Section/Profile A-A′ SuperstructureFigure 39Structure 5D-5 Section/Profile B-B′ BuildingFigure 40Structure 5D-5 South (Rear) Elevation SuperstructureFigure 41Structure 5D-5 Plan of Chambers at Upper-Zone LevelFigure 42Structure 5D-5 Roofcomb DetailsFigure 43Structure 5D-5 Plan of Lower Roofcomb ChambersFigure 44Structure 5D-5 Plan of Mid-Level Roofcomb ChambersFigure 45Structure 5D-5 Roofcomb Section/Profile C-C′Figure 46Structure 6F-27-1st LocationFigure 47Structure 6F-27-1st Basal Platform DetailsFigure 48Structure 6F-27-1st Associated StelaeFigure 49Structure 6F-27-1st PlanFigure 50Structure 6F-27-1st Section/Profile A-A′Figure 51Structure 6F-27-1st East (Rear) ElevationFigure 52Structure 6F-27-1st South (Right Side) ElevationFigure 53Structure 6F-27-1st West (Front) ElevationFigure 54Structure 6F-27-1st Substructure ProfilesFigure 55Structure 6F-27-1st Section/Profile A-A′ SuperstructureFigure 56Structure 6F-27-1st Building PlanFigure 57Structure 6F-27-1st Section/Profile Room 1Figure 58Structure 6F-27-1st Roofcomb ChambersFigure 59Structure 6F-27-1st Building DetailsFigure 60Structure 6F-27-1st East (Rear) Elevation SuperstructureFigure 61Structure 6F-27-1st South (Right Side) Elevation SuperstructureFigure 62Structure 6F-27-1st North (Left Side) Elevation SuperstructureFigure 63Structure 6F-27-1st Roofcomb MaskFigure 64Structure 6F-27-1st Problematical Deposit 170 Section/ProfileFigure 65Structure 6F-27-1st Problematical Deposit 170 DetailsFigure 66Structure 6F-27-1st Problematical Deposit 170 DetailsFigure 67Structure 6F-27-1st Problematical Deposit 170 DetailsFigure 68Structure 6F-27-1st Facade TextsFigure 69Structure 6F-27-1st ViewsFigure 70Visual comparison of Great Temple I (5D-1) and Great Temple III (5D-3)Figure 71Visual comparison of Great Temple V (5D-33-1st) and Great Temple IV (5C-4)Figure 72Visual comparison of Great Temple II (5D-2) and Great Temple VI (5D-73)


      Alt.: Altar

      Bm.: Beam

      Ch.: Chultun

      Chm.: Chamber

      Dr.: Door/Doorway

      E: East

      Fl.: Floor

      Li.: Lintel

      N: North

      PD.: Problematical Deposit

      Rm.: Room

      S: South

      St.: Stela

      Str.: Structure

      W: West


      Selected Architectural Terms

      Note: These are just a few terms that occur in the description of the structures reported here. Some are new and used in this volume, others perhaps just not in general use.


      The most recent additions and/or alterations are designated as “A”-level features; they abut “B”-level, which in turn abuts “C” and so on. The primary structure has a letter designation that depends on the number of demonstrably sequent additions or alterations.


      In concrete small stones or gravel are essential as stuff that the cement can stick to. Without aggregate concrete is mere grout with little strength as a mass.


      Substructure and platform faces at Tikal are often profiled with an upper part projecting over a lower part. The whole profile is called an apron but at the same time the upper part is regarded as the apron and the lower part as the subapron. Some apron profiles also have a basal molding.

       Architectural Development

      Structures erected on top of each other constitute an architectural development. Designation is from the surface feature, 1st, down to those below as 2nd, 3rd, etc.

       Arrised Corner

      A corner that is sharp rather than rounded.


      Facing stones cut and dressed to a regular oblong or square shape are called ashlar. Veneer facings are a type of ashlar, as are block facings. Ashlar has the advantage that relatively little shape adjustment is needed on the job site; stone can be cut to shape at the quarry so that work on the job site goes faster. Nevertheless,

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