Conservatism, the Right Wing, and the Far Right: A Guide to Archives. Archie Henderson

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Conservatism, the Right Wing, and the Far Right: A Guide to Archives - Archie Henderson

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watchdog founded in 1969 by economist Reed Irvine. Collection includes correspondence, publications, research files, Media Monitor papers, and video and audio tapes covering Accuracy in Media activities. Files on AIM Reports, Allan Brownfeld, Ethics and Public Policy Center, Joseph C. Goulden, Senator Hatch, John Hemingway, Daniel C. Holdgreiwe, Reed Irvine, Cliff Kinkaid, Deborah Lambert, Mont Pèlerin, National Foundation of Decency, National Review, Ed Staples, James Tyson, Bernard Yoh, and Joan Yoh.


      William Gillis, "Say No to the Liberal Media: Conservatives and Criticism of the News Media in the 1970s" (Ph.D., Indiana University, 2013),


      Websites with information:

      Finding aids:

      [0014] Carl W. Ackerman Papers, 1833-1970 (bulk 1931-1956), MSS50039

      Location: Manuscript Division, Library of Congress, 101 Independence Ave. SE, Room LM 101, James Madison Memorial Bldg, Washington, D.C. 20540-4680

      Description: Carl W. Ackerman (1890-1970) was a journalist, educator, and public relations consultant. In 1919, in stories printed in the Public Ledger of Philadelphia and carried by other newspapers, Ackerman published the first excerpts of The Protocols of the Elders of Zion in English translation, removing references to Jews so that the plot described in the Protocols seemed to be a Bolshevist affair. The papers consist of correspondence, diaries, speeches and writings, family papers, scrapbooks, clippings, and other papers relating chiefly to Ackerman's career as a journalist and dean of Columbia University School of Journalism. The series General Correspondence, 1907-1970, contains files on William Edgar Borah, Spruille Braden, Nicholas Murray Butler, Josephus Daniels, Kenneth de Courcy, Thomas E. Dewey, Bonner F. Fellers, Frank Gannett, Joseph C. Grew, Herbert Hoover, Roy Wilson Howard, Alfred M. Landon, David Lawrence, Isaac Don Levine, Charles A. Lindbergh, Robert A. Millikan, Felix Morley, Westbrook Pegler, Kenneth L. Roberts, and Morris Ryskind. The series Subject File, 1908-1970, contains files on William Benton; Bolshevism, 1919; William Edgar Borah speech, 22 Sept. 1935; Spruille Braden; Nicholas Murray Butler; Virginius Dabney; John A. Danaher; Thomas E. Dewey; Dwight D. Eisenhower; Fair Labor Standards Act, 1938-1941; Foreign Press Association, 1943-1946; James Forrestal; Joseph C. Grew; William Randolph Hearst; Herbert Hoover, The Problems of Lasting Peace, correspondence 1942; Roy Wilson Howard; Institute of Pacific Relations; David Lawrence; Lend-Lease Bill (H.R. 1776), 1941; Henry R. Luce; John J. McCloy; Robert R. McCormick; Robert A. Millikan; Raymond Moley; A. Cressy Morrison; New York Tribune, Garet Garrett, 1917; Pearl Harbor, May 1945; Westbrook Pegler; Kermit Roosevelt; John Spargo; Voice of America; Burton K. Wheeler; William Allen White; Alexander Wiley; and Wendell Willkie. The series Speech, Article, and Book File, 1909-1964, contains a copy of Amos A. Fries, "The Future of Poison Gas," Current History, Dec. 1921, and files on Bohemian Club, San Francisco, Calif.; James F. Byrnes; Josephus Daniels; Joseph C. Grew; Herbert Hoover; and Alfred M. Landon.


      Norman Cohn, Warrant for Genocide: The Myth of the Jewish World Conspiracy and the Protocols of the Elders of Zion (1967), p. 156.

      Websites with information:

      Finding aids:

      [0015] John and Jane Adams Ephemera Collection, 1856-1996 (bulk 1880-1982), MS-0384

      Location: Special Collections and University Archives, Library and Information Access, San Diego State University, 5500 Campanile Dr. MC 8050, San Diego, CA 92182-8050

      Description: John and Jane Adams collected ephemera among other areas of collecting. The series Political 1903-1996, subseries Campaign Mailers 1903-1992, contains files on Alert America Association, American Conservative Union, American Committee on Immigration Policies, John Ashbrook, Christian Anti-Communism Crusade, Citizen's Foreign Aid Committee, Conservative Book Club, Council for Statehood, Federation for Constitutional Government, First National Directory, Freedom Bulletin, Barry Goldwater, Jesse Helms, The Herald of Freedom, Human Events, The Independent American, International Youth Federation For Freedom, John Birch Society, William F. Knowland, Alfred Landon, The Manion Forum, Minutemen, National Coalition of American Patriots, National Economic Council, The National Program Letter, The National Right to Work Committee, National Tax Limitation Committee, The New Right, Omni Publications, John Rousselot, The Spotlight, Think!, United States Anti-Communist Congress, George C. Wallace, and Albert Wedemeyer.

      Finding aid:

      [0016] June N. Adamson Papers, 1870-2003 (bulk 1943-2003), MS.2739

      Location: University of Tennessee, Knoxville, Special Collections Library, 121 John C. Hodges Library, 1015 Volunteer Boulevard, Knoxville, TN 37996-1000

      Description: June N. Adamson (1922-2009) was a newspaper reporter, student, and University of Tennessee Professor of Journalism. This collection contains correspondence, research and teaching files, student work, articles, newspaper clippings, notes, and manuscripts. Included is research related to Adamson's unpublished book The Lit Stick of Dynamite, which documents the desegregation of Clinton (Tennessee) High School in 1956 and its bombing in 1958. Adamson's extensive research for this work includes newspaper clippings, photographs, redacted FBI files on the bombing and on John Frederick Kasper (who organized a White Citizens' Council in Clinton), and taped interviews with various participants. There are files on Admiral John Crommelin, Citizens' Councils, Ezra Pound, John Kasper, Ku Klux Klan, Judge Robert L. Taylor, and the Edward R. Murrow program "Clinton and the Law," aired on CBS on January 6, 1957.


      Jane S. Row, "Breaking the Gender Barrier: June Adamson," The Library Development Review (University of Tennessee Libraries, Knoxville, Tennessee) (2009-2010), pp. 2-4,­devel/103 and https://ww­The_Life_and_Death_of_Byron_de_la_Be


      Websites with information:

      Finding aids:

      [0017] Lee J. Adamson Papers, 1954-1969, Coll. 086

      Location: Special

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