Conservatism, the Right Wing, and the Far Right: A Guide to Archives. Archie Henderson

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Conservatism, the Right Wing, and the Far Right: A Guide to Archives - Archie Henderson

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for a Free Cuba, Inc. Series VII: Nuremberg Trial, undated, 1919-1995, Subseries E: Conduct of Trial, undated, 1934-1959, 1995, contains files on Franz von Papen addressing the Tribunal [1945-1946] and Karl Doenitz addressing the Tribunal [1945-1946]. Series VIII: Personal Papers, 1920-1971, Subseries A: Personal Correspondence, 1955-1970, contains files on John W. Bricker, William F. Buckley, Jr., Kenneth De Courcy, Everett McKinley Dirksen, Herbert Hoover, J. Edgar Hoover, and Clare Boothe Luce.


      Klaus Graf, "IMT at Nuremberg documents available online," English Corner | Archivalia, 14 November 2013,

      Websites with information:

      Finding aids:;

      Finding aid to digital collection:

      [0814] Nachlass Karl Dönitz

      Location: Bibliothek für Zeitgeschichte [Library of Contemporary History], Württembergische Landesbibliothek, Konrad-Adenauer-Str. 8, 70173 Stuttgart, Germany

      Description: Karl Dönitz (1891-1980) was a German admiral who, in accordance with Hitler's last will and testament, was named Adolf Hitler's successor and served a twenty-three day term as President of Germany after Hitler's suicide.


      Michael L. Hadley, "Grand Admiral Dönitz (1891-1980): A Dramatic Key to the Man behind the Mask," The Northern Mariner/Le Marin du nord, X, No. 2 (April 2000), pp. 1-21,

      Websites with information:

      [0815] Dole Archives Vertical File, 1945-2005 (bulk 1960-2005), 04/c023

      Location: Robert J. Dole Archive and Special Collections, University of Kansas, 2350 Petefish Drive, Lawrence, KS 66045

      Description: The Dole Archives Vertical File serves as a source of basic background information on a wide variety of people, subjects, events, pieces of legislation, campaigns, and organizations represented in the Dole collections. It contains a wide variety of document types like newsclippings and printouts of online articles, pamphlets, press releases, speeches, correspondence, bills, and copies from the collection. Files on James Buckley, Civil Rights, Cold War and President Reagan, Conservatism, Contract with America, President Dwight D. Eisenhower, Sam Ervin, President Gerald R. Ford, Barry Goldwater, Alf Landon (Nixon Speech),

      Richard Nixon, Patriot Act, Ronald Reagan, Right to Life, Margaret Thatcher, and Strom Thurmond.

      Websites with information:

      Finding aids:

      [0816] Robert J. Dole House of Representatives Papers, 1960-1969, 01/001

      Location: Robert J. Dole Archive and Special Collections, University of Kansas, 2350 Petefish Drive, Lawrence, KS 66045

      Description: The main body of the papers documents Dole's campaign for the U.S. House of Representatives in 1959-1960, subsequent Congressional campaigns, and the eight years (1961-1969) he spent as a congressman from Kansas' Sixth and later First Congressional Districts. The 119 cartons of material include correspondence, memos, reports, newsletters, speeches, casework, statements, testimony, campaign and Republican Party records. Files on Alger, Bruce (9th District, Texas); Americans for Constitutional Action (ACA); William Jennings Bryan Dorn; Connally Amendment; Barry Goldwater; Civil Rights; Communism; Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) (J. Edgar Hoover); Prayer in Public Schools; Right to Work; Un-American Activities Committee; Richard Nixon; John Birch Society; Kansas Conservative Party; and Stephen Shadegg.

      Websites with information:

      Finding aids:

      [0817] Robert J. Dole Press Clippings, 1939-1995, 01/017

      Location: Robert J. Dole Archive and Special Collections, University of Kansas, 2350 Petefish Drive, Lawrence, KS 66045

      Description: This collection contains press clippings from newspapers, magazines, and other published sources, as well as some additional unpublished material, such as press releases or letters from Dole. About 80% of the items (about 2300 articles) are from Kansas newspapers, with the rest from national publications and a few items from Dole's office or other non-published sources. Clippings on such topics as Abortion, ACU, Anti-Abortion Record, Bork, Contras, Iran-Contra, Buchanan, Clarence Thomas, Oliver North, School Prayer, George Wallace, Gingrich, Goldwater, Helms, Jack Kemp, Nixon, Phil Gramm, and Reagan.

      Websites with information:

      Finding aids:

      [0818] Robert J. Dole Republican Leadership Collection, 1985-1996, 01/007

      Location: Robert J. Dole Archive and Special Collections, University of Kansas, 2350 Petefish Drive, Lawrence, KS 66045

      Description: This collection comprises the legislative and political activities of the Office of the Senate Republican Leader during Senator Dole's time in that position, 1985-1996. Files on Abortion; Robert H. Bork; Contras; Flag Burning; Grove City Bill, 1987-1988; Jesse Helms; Iran-Contra; Trent Lott; Ruby Ridge and Randy Weaver; and John Salvi - Abortion Clinic Killing, 1996.

      Websites with information:

      Finding aids:

      [0819] Robert J. Dole Republican National Committee Chairman Papers, 1969-1973, 01/011

      Location: Robert J. Dole Archive and Special Collections, University of Kansas,

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