Have Black Lives Ever Mattered?. Mumia Abu-Jamal

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Have Black Lives Ever Mattered? - Mumia Abu-Jamal City Lights Open Media

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rel="nofollow" href="#u9304b470-f9de-5e9e-8949-382d8c8f35d9"> December 10, 2014

       Demonstrating Respect?

       December 23, 2014

       Ferguson: The Epicenter

       January 1, 2015

       Black Lives Matter?

       January 22, 2015

       Ferguson, USA

       March 5, 2015

       Words vs. Deeds

       March 11, 2015

       137 Shots

       May 24, 2015

       The Heritage of the Confederate Battle Flag

       July 7, 2015

       As Black as They Were Expendable

       August 25, 2015

       Tamir Rice of Cleveland

       October 15, 2015

       Disturbing the Peace

       October 28, 2015

       Badge of Racism

       December 14, 2015

       Because She Is a Black Child

       December 28, 2015

       Killed by Cops Who Were “Just Doing Their Jobs”

       July 7, 2016

       What Happens to a Dream Deferred?

       July 10, 2016


       August 1, 2016

       Black Lives Don’t Matter

       December 12, 2016

       To Protect and Serve Whom?

       September 2015, updated February 2017


       About the Author


      To the Nameless Ones, those valiant souls who fought for Freedom their whole lives long, and never lived to taste its intoxicating flavor; to the sons and daughters of Africa who lived in this strange and cruel land, yet dreamed of brighter tomorrows.

      To Lydia Umyemi Wallace Barashango and her devoted husband, Rev. Dr. Ishakamusa Barashango, the renowned brilliant nationalist scholar and teacher; to the beautiful Bev Africa; to Samiya Hamida Abdullah, whose life was like a brilliant shooting star, who dazzled us all, before falling back into the river of Eternity: gone, but never forgotten, for in our hearts, in our being, she shines still.

      To Ron “The Flame,” Basil Ali Abu-Jaleel, a brother loved despite the distance of time and space.

      To souls who shone brightly, and were dulled by American hate; to those who struggle still; to the youth of America who dared to march, to yell, to stand on the simple Principle that Black Lives Matter, I hereby dedicate this work.

      Spring is coming,

      —Mumia Abu-Jamal


       An Introduction

      Does the title of this work seem provocative? If so, then good. That’s how it’s intended to be. For if the question is provocative, then what of the answer? Is not the answer, no matter how damning, far more provocative? And yet, who dares answer in any way other than the negative?

      There is an old axiom, especially among journalists and journalism professors, that “today’s newspapers are the first draft of history.” Like most axioms, they hold a kernel of truth, but there is more.

      Here is another axiom: “History is written by the victors.”


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