Got Data? Now What?. Laura Lipton

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Got Data? Now What? - Laura Lipton

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Mind Tools, n.d.a).

      “Group Development Tools Practitioners Can Use” (Minahan & Hutton, 2002) is a practical article that lays out a basic model about groups and their behaviors (

Quality Questions for Groups Scale: 1–4 (Rarely to Always)
Maintain a clear focus. Are we clear about our desired results in both the short and long term?
Do we have clear and shared criteria for determining success?
Do we have strategies for getting back on track if focus is lost?
Embrace a spirit of inquiry. Do we ask questions for which we have no immediate answers?
Do we search for and honor other perspectives?
Are we willing to ask questions that might cause discomfort?
Put data at the center. Do we use data to calibrate and inform our conversations?
Do we use multiple types and sources of data to add to our thinking?
Do we have methods for ensuring shared understanding?
Honor commitments to learners and learning. Are our conversations student centered?
Do we continually assess our current learning goals (for students and for ourselves as a group)?
Do we set meaningful goals for our own learning as a group?
Cultivate relational trust. Do we clarify and communicate high expectations for ourselves as a group?
Do we make it safe not to know?
Do our actions reflect our commitments?
Seek equity. Do we use structures and protocols to ensure balanced participation?
Do all group members have an equal voice?
Do we challenge our own preferences and judgments in order to consider other ideas?
Assume collective responsibility. Do we believe that our collective action makes a greater difference for student learning than our individual efforts?
Are we willing to be answerable for the choices we are making?
Do we push past good enough to continually challenge ourselves?

       Maintain a Clear Focus

      1. Am I clear about our purpose?____________________________


      2. Is this comment or contribution contributing to our purpose? (Do I really need to say this?)



      3. Should I refocus the group at this point?____________________________


       Embrace a Spirit of Inquiry

      1. Am I asking questions to which I have an answer?____________________________


      2. Am I open to the influence of others’ perspectives?____________________________


      3. What might I be avoiding or leaving out?____________________________


       Put Data at the Center

      1. How do these data influence my thinking and comments?____________________________

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