School Leader's Guide to Special Education, The. Margaret J. McLaughlin

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School Leader's Guide to Special Education, The - Margaret J. McLaughlin Essentials for Principals

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rel="nofollow" href="#u8a7c97df-b4ff-5948-9bfa-245a30791082">1 Understanding the Basic Rights of Students With Disabilities

       Free Appropriate Public Education

       Least Restrictive Environment

       Related Services

       Procedural Protections for Parents and Students

       Due Process Under IDEA

       Alternative Dispute Resolutions

       Expedited Due Process

       Students With Disabilities and No Child Left Behind

       Highly Qualified Special Education Teacher

       Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act and the Americans With Disabilities Act

       Section 504

       Americans With Disabilities Act

       2 Determining Who Is Eligible for Special Education

       Identification and Evaluation of Students

       What Is Child Find?

       Must Parents Consent to Evaluation?

       Who Is Involved in Conducting an Evaluation?

       The Components of an Evaluation

       Reevaluation or Triennial Assessments

       Response to Intervention

       What Is Response to Intervention?

       Types of RTI Models

       RTI and Specific Learning Disabilities

       Implementing RTI in the School

       3 Developing and Implementing an Individualized Education Program

       What Must an IEP Include?

       General Requirements


       Supplementary Aids and Services

       Developing IEP Goals

       Standards-Based Goals

       Who Is Required to Be Part of the IEP Team?

       Parent Participation in the IEP Process

       The Role of the Principal in the IEP Process

       Implementing the IEP

       4 Assessing and Teaching Students With Disabilities

       Accommodations and Modifications


       Creating Effective and Inclusive Special Education

       Inclusive Education

       Effective Instruction and Practices

       Collaborative or Co-Teaching

       Providing Options for More Individualized Instruction

       Effective Classroom Strategies

       Teacher Professional Development

       5 Discipline and Positive Behavior Interventions and Supports

       IDEA Discipline Procedures

       Reporting to Law Enforcement Agents or Juvenile Authorities

       Zero-Tolerance Policies

       Functional Behavioral Assessments

       Behavior Intervention Plans

       Promoting Positive Behavior: Heading Off Problem Behaviors

       6 Encouraging Parental Involvement

       Communications With Parents

       Effective Strategies to Promote Communication

       Building Partnerships With Parents

       Conclusion: Final Thoughts for School Leaders

       Appendix A: Online Resources

       Appendix B: Summary of Significant Changes in IDEA 2004


       References and Resources



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