Raising the Rigor. Eileen Depka

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Raising the Rigor - Eileen Depka

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Standards and Content: In this portion of the template, list the specific standards and content on which the task will focus. After creating the task, revisit this section to ensure that it measures the standards and content it intended to measure.

      • Task Scenario: Design a task scenario that places the student into a real-life situation that they will need to solve. The task should indicate the problem and the required outcome. Avoid telling students what they will do. Let students determine the best path to obtain a solution.

      • Task Requirements: Provide a list of any expectations connected to the task solution. This would include any specifics as to the format of the solution, components to be included in the response, and any supporting information that might be necessary.

      • Evaluation Method: Share a rubric, point scale, or any other method of evaluation. Provide criteria for success to students prior to completing the task.

      Figure 2.1: Developing higher-order thinking skills tasks.

      Visit go.SolutionTree.com/instruction for a free reproducible version of this figure.

      The templates can be used across subjects and curricula. Figure 2.2 provides an example of English language arts study with a completed template.

      Source for Standard: National Governors Association Center for Best Practices (NGA) & Council of Chief State School Officers (CCSSO), 2010a.

      Figure 2.2: Template for English language arts skills.

      Figure 2.3 provides an example of a class some schools might call a special with art as the subject.


      Figure 2.3: Template for art skills.

      The template works not just for arts and humanities, but for sciences as well. Figure 2.4 is a completed template for a science-related task.

      Figure 2.4: Template for science skills.

      Design tasks to fit within a shorter or more extended time frame depending on the complexity of the task. If less time is available, construct a task that relates to the same standards but is more simplistic in nature. You can simplify tasks by limiting the expectations and by supplying tools or organizational structures to complete the task. For example, figure 2.5 shares a task to demonstrate knowledge and application of area and perimeter. You can alter the task for simplicity and time constraints by:

      • Using a room in the school instead of a room outside of school

      • Supplying the tools students need to measure the room

      • Incorporating teamwork

      • Sharing catalogs or advertisements so students can determine pricing

      • Providing charts to facilitate students’ organization of findings


      Source for standard: NGA & CCSSO, 2010b.

      Figure 2.5: Template for mathematics skills.

      Students who are processing information at higher levels show certain characteristics. Being aware of these attributes can help us evaluate student qualities and provide individual support needed to grow the characteristics. The criteria can help measure the growth in students’ levels of comfort and ability as they become more familiar with higher-order thinking (Brookhart, 2010; Copeland, 2005).

      The indicators of success include the following.

      • Increased willingness to persevere in solving problems or completing tasks

      • The ability to see a problem from a variety of perspectives

      • The identification of more than one solution to a task

      • Insight into multiple methods to arrive at a solution

      • The ability to support solutions with evidence

      • Increased ability to clearly communicate solutions

      • Willingness to collaborate and listen to the perspectives of others

      • The ability to create and follow a plan of action

      • The ability to scrutinize, select, and use information that positively assists in completing the task

      • The ability to organize conclusions and evidence into charts, graphs, visual displays, or other methods so that the outcome can be interpreted and understood by others

      Clear communication, though not necessarily an indicator of success, is a byproduct. Monitor communication growth as well with the criteria checklist (figure 2.6). It identifies the current status of students regarding higher-order thinking skills and provides a framework for measuring their progress. Share the assessment criteria with students so they are aware of the indicators of success. When a teacher stresses the criteria, students make the connection between their own skill development and their ability to successfully engage in higher-order thinking tasks. Use the criteria to evaluate performance and growth throughout the year. Figure 2.6 provides space to evaluate each criterion on three separate dates.


      Figure 2.6: Higher-order thinking skills criteria checklist.

      Visit go.SolutionTree.com/instruction for a free reproducible version of this figure.

      When using the higher-order thinking skills criteria checklist, fill in all squares when students achieve a proficiency level. Doing so creates a visual representation that is easy to interpret. In other words, fill in Levels 1, 2, 3, and 4 if a student is at a Level 4. Figure 2.7 provides an example. A student consistently receiving a 1 in “identifies information important to the task solution” requires help distinguishing between

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