Taking Action. Austin Buffum

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Taking Action - Austin Buffum

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Action 2: Create an Essential Standards Unit Plan

       Essential Standards Unit Plan

       Sample ELA Essential Standards Unit Plan

       Sample Mathematics Essential Standards Unit Plan

       Deconstructing Standards

       Student-Friendly Language

       Action 3: Implement the Team Teaching-Assessing Cycle

       Sample Common Formative Assessment for Persuasive Writing

       Team Protocol for Common Formative Assessment

       Sample Data for Persuasive Writing

       Team Response for Common Formative Assessment

       Action 4: Give Common End-of-Unit Assessment for Essential Standards

       Common Assessment Team Protocol

       Action 5: Identify Students for Tier 2 Support by Student, Standard, and Learning Target

       Essential Standards Student Tracking Chart


       CHAPTER 4

       Tier 1 Schoolwide Essential Actions

       Action 1: Ensure Access to Essential Grade-Level Curriculum

       Ensuring Access to Essential Grade-Level Curriculum

       Action 2: Identify and Teach Essential Academic and Social Behaviors

       How Do We Establish Common Expectations?

       How Do We Target Instruction?

       How Do We Reinforce Positive Behavior?

       Action 3: Provide Preventions to Proactively Support Student Success

       Preventions to Proactively Support Student Success


       PART TWO

       Tier 2 Essential Actions

       CHAPTER 5

       Tier 2 Teacher Team Essential Actions

       Action 1: Design and Lead Supplemental Interventions for Academic Essential Standards

       RTI at Work Pro-Solve Intervention Targeting Process: Tier 1 and Tier 2

       KASAB Chart

       Action 2: Consider Screening in Immediate Prerequisite Skills

       Action 3: Monitor the Progress of Students Receiving Supplemental Supports

       RTI at Work Pro-Solve Intervention Monitoring Plan: Tier 1 and Tier 2

       Action 4: Extend Student Learning


       CHAPTER 6

       Tier 2 Schoolwide Essential Actions

       Action 1: Schedule Time for Supplemental Interventions

       Creating Flexible Time Worksheet: Critical Considerations

       Using Flexible Time Well

       Action 2: Establish a Process for Schoolwide Student Intervention Identification

       Establishing a Process for Schoolwide Student Intervention Identification

       Action 3: Plan and Implement Supplemental Interventions for Essential Social and Academic Behaviors

       Reasons Why Students Might Fail to Complete Homework

       Supplemental Interventions for Essential Academic and Social Behaviors: Critical Questions

       Action 4: Coordinate Interventions for Students Needing Skill and Will Supports



       Tier 3 Essential Actions

       CHAPTER 7

       Tier 3 Schoolwide Essential Actions

       Action 1: Identify Students Needing Intensive Support

       Universal Screening Planning Guide

       Action 2: Create a Dynamic, Problem-Solving Site Intervention Team

       Building a Site Intervention Team

       Dimensions of Success

       Action 3: Prioritize Resources Based on Greatest Student Needs

       RTI at Work Pro-Solve Intervention Targeting Process: Tier 3

       Action 4: Create a Systematic and Timely Process to Refer Students to the Site Intervention Team


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