The New Art and Science of Teaching Writing. Robert J. Marzano

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The New Art and Science of Teaching Writing - Robert J. Marzano The New Art and Science of Teaching

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translations of the most current research and theory into classroom strategies are known internationally and are widely practiced by both teachers and administrators. He received a bachelor’s degree from Iona College in New York, a master’s degree from Seattle University, and a doctorate from the University of Washington.

      To learn more about Dr. Marzano’s work, visit Marzano Research (

      To book Kathy Tuchman Glass or Robert J. Marzano for professional development, contact [email protected].


      The New Art and Science of Teaching (Marzano, 2017) is a comprehensive model of instruction with a rather long developmental lineage. Specifically, four books spanning two decades precede and inform The New Art and Science of Teaching and its use in the field.

      1. Classroom Instruction That Works: Research-Based Strategies for Increasing Student Achievement (Marzano, Pickering, & Pollock, 2001)

      2. Classroom Management That Works: Research-Based Strategies for Every Teacher (Marzano, Marzano, & Pickering, 2003)

      3. Classroom Assessment and Grading That Work (Marzano, 2006)

      4. The Art and Science of Teaching: A Comprehensive Framework for Effective Instruction (Marzano, 2007)

      The first three books address specific components of the teaching process, namely instruction, management, and assessment. The final book puts all three components together into a comprehensive model of teaching. It also makes a strong case for the fact that research (in other words, science) must certainly guide good teaching, but teachers must also develop good teaching as art. Even if they use precisely the same instructional strategies, two highly effective teachers will have shaped and adapted those strategies to adhere to their specific personalities, the subject matter they teach, and their students’ unique needs. Stated differently, we can never accurately articulate effective teaching as a set of strategies that all teachers must execute in precisely the same way.

      The comprehensive model in the 2017 book The New Art and Science of Teaching (Marzano, 2017) reflects a greatly expanded and updated version of The Art and Science of Teaching (Marzano, 2007). One of the unique aspects of The New Art and Science of Teaching is that it focuses on what happens in the minds of students by taking a student-outcome perspective as the primary influence. Specifically, when teachers employ instructional strategies, it generates certain mental states and processes in the learner’s mind that facilitate student learning. This dynamic that represents the major feature of this new model is depicted in figure I.1 (page 2):

      Source: Marzano, 2017, p. 5.

       Figure I.1: The teaching and learning progression.

      According to figure I.1, the intervening variable between the effective application of an instructional strategy and enhanced student learning is specific mental states and processes in the minds of learners. If teachers do not produce these mental states and processes as a result of employing a given strategy, then that strategy will have little or no effect on students. This implies that teachers should heighten their level of awareness as they use instructional strategies for maximum efficacy.

      The model in The New Art and Science of Teaching (Marzano, 2017) is a framework that educators can use to organize the majority (if not all) of the instructional strategies that research and theory identify. It has several parts: three overarching categories, ten design areas, and forty-three specific elements that each serve as an umbrella for a host of instructional strategies.

       Three Categories

      At the highest level of organization, the model has three overarching categories: feedback, content, and context.

      1. Feedback refers to the all-important information loop teachers must establish with students so that students know what they should be learning about specific topics and their current level of performance on these topics.

      2. Content refers to the sequencing and pacing of lessons such that students move smoothly from initial understanding to applying knowledge in new and creative ways.

      3. Context refers to those strategies that ensure all students meet these psychological needs: engagement, order, a sense of belonging, and high expectations.

      Embedded in these three overarching categories are more specific categories (teacher actions).

       Ten Design Areas

      In The New Art and Science of Teaching model, each of the ten design areas is associated with a specific teacher action, as follows:

      1. Providing and communicating clear learning goals

      2. Using assessments

      3. Conducting direct instruction lessons

      4. Conducting practicing and deepening lessons

      5. Conducting knowledge application lessons

      6. Using strategies that appear in all types of lessons

      7. Using engagement strategies

      8. Implementing rules and procedures

      9. Building relationships

      10. Communicating high expectations

      Table I.1 shows the ten teacher actions within the three categories along with a description of the desirable student mental states and processes for each. For example, the teacher action of conducting direct instruction lessons within the content category has the desired effect that when the teacher presents new content to students, they understand which parts are important and how the parts all fit together.

Teacher Actions Student Mental States and Processes
Feedback Providing and Communicating Clear Learning Goals 1. Students understand the progression of knowledge they are expected to master and where they are along that progression.
Using Assessments 2. Students understand how test scores and grades relate to their status on the progression of knowledge they are expected to master.
Content Conducting

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