The Handbook for the New Art and Science of Teaching. Robert J. Marzano

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The Handbook for the New Art and Science of Teaching - Robert J. Marzano The New Art and Science of Teaching

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       Tracking Teacher Actions: Using Friendly Controversy

       Tracking Teacher Actions: Using Academic Games

       Tracking Teacher Actions: Providing Opportunities for Students to Talk About Themselves

       Tracking Teacher Actions: Motivating and Inspiring Students

       8 Implementing Rules and Procedures

       Element 33: Establishing Rules and Procedures

       Element 34: Organizing the Physical Layout of the Classroom

       Element 35: Demonstrating Withitness

       Element 36: Acknowledging Adherence to Rules and Procedures

       Element 37: Acknowledging Lack of Adherence to Rules and Procedures

       Action Steps

       Tracking Teacher Actions: Establishing Rules and Procedures

       Tracking Teacher Actions: Organizing the Physical Layout of the Classroom

       Tracking Teacher Actions: Demonstrating Withitness

       Tracking Teacher Actions: Acknowledging Adherence to Rules and Procedures

       Tracking Teacher Actions: Acknowledging Lack of Adherence to Rules and Procedures

       9 Building Relationships

       Element 38: Using Verbal and Nonverbal Behaviors That Indicate Affection for Students

       Element 39: Understanding Students’ Backgrounds and Interests

       Element 40: Displaying Objectivity and Control

       Action Steps

       Tracking Teacher Actions: Using Verbal and Nonverbal Behaviors That Indicate Affection for Students

       Tracking Teacher Actions: Understanding Students’ Backgrounds and Interests

       Tracking Teacher Actions: Displaying Objectivity and Control

       10 Communicating High Expectations

       Element 41: Demonstrating Value and Respect for Reluctant Learners

       Element 42: Asking In-Depth Questions of Reluctant Learners

       Element 43: Probing Incorrect Answers With Reluctant Learners

       Action Steps

       Tracking Teacher Actions: Demonstrating Value and Respect for Reluctant Learners

       Tracking Teacher Actions: Asking In-Depth Questions of Reluctant Learners

       Tracking Teacher Actions: Probing Incorrect Answers With Reluctant Learners

       Appendix: Reproducibles

       Tracking Progress Over Time

       Strategy Reflection Log

       References and Resources



      About the Author


      Robert J. Marzano, PhD, is the cofounder and chief academic officer of Marzano Research in Denver, Colorado. During his fifty years in the field of education, he has worked with educators as a speaker and trainer and has authored more than forty books and two hundred articles on topics such as instruction, assessment, writing and implementing standards, cognition, effective leadership, and school intervention. His books include The New Art and Science of Teaching, Leaders of Learning, Making Classroom Assessments Reliable and Valid, A Handbook for Personalized Competency-Based Education, and Teacher Evaluation That Makes a Difference. His practical translations of the most current research and theory into classroom strategies are known internationally and are widely practiced by both teachers and administrators.

      Dr. Marzano received a bachelor’s degree from Iona College in New York, a master’s degree from Seattle University, and a doctorate from the University of Washington.

      To learn more about Robert J. Marzano’s work, visit



      The New Art and Science of Teaching has a long history, dating back to the 1980s, when my colleagues and I synthesized the research and theory that would become the foundation for this book. In the ensuing years, my colleagues and I developed texts that explored research-supported instructional strategies—namely, Dimensions of Thinking (Marzano et al., 1988) and A Different Kind of Classroom (Marzano, 1992). However, some believed that the strategies themselves would guarantee enhanced student learning. As this is simply not the case, I set about to create an instructional model that would tie the strategies together in an interactive manner that would allow them to work in concert. And The Art and Science of Teaching (Marzano, 2007) was born.

      As I have stated before, effective teaching is not merely following a set of preprogrammed instructional strategies. Rather, the strategies are techniques that the teacher uses to create lessons that optimize student learning. In this way, teachers are artists in using skill and savvy to develop unique creations that are not scripted but true to their individuality. And like any artist, teachers must continuously better their skill using the most up-to-date techniques based on research and theory. The New Art and Science of Teaching (Marzano, 2017) represents the current knowledge of effective teaching and draws from the past and is rooted in the present while turning an eye toward the future.


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