Step In, Step Up. Jane A. G. Kise

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Step In, Step Up - Jane A. G. Kise

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identify their strengths and challenges and inform their performance and professional learning conversations. Review the examples from Australia, Canada, and the United States. What do they tell you about the role of the school leader? What would you focus on to develop your leadership capacity?

      • Remember that women are less inclined to consider leadership roles unless someone suggests it to them or they become the accidental principal: Current principals have a significant role to play in not only providing positive role modeling but also seeking, recognizing, and supporting the development of aspiring leaders (including those who don’t know their own leadership potential). Principals can do the following to show women that they should consider leadership roles.

      ∘ Principals should be their own best advocates by articulating and displaying an obvious sense of job satisfaction; this goes a long way toward demystifying the role.

      ∘ Talent spotting may require education leaders to look beyond their leadership comfort zones to encourage people not like them and explore and develop others’ leadership potential (Spiller, 2017).

      ∘ Mentoring, coaching, and support networks are critical to engage, invigorate, support, and sustain women in their leadership journey. Current leaders of all genders need to take on the crucial role of sponsoring potential leaders to open up opportunities, guiding aspirant leaders in how to be strategic in leveraging their allies to advocate on their behalf with a more explicit focus on career progression.

      These strategies contribute to developing women’s confidence and resilience so they feel able to drive their careers forward. Everyone has a role to play in leadership development.

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