Fifty Strategies to Boost Cognitive Engagement. Rebecca Stobaugh

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Fifty Strategies to Boost Cognitive Engagement - Rebecca Stobaugh

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      Vocabulary is very important to students, particularly those who come from poverty (Jensen, 2019); they will carry it throughout their lives. As with the Strategy 1: Vocabulary-Building Movement strategy, the vocabulary students know will enhance their learning experience and breadth of knowledge. The Ten Most Important Words strategy helps students identify key vocabulary terms and increase their understanding of them by making connections between those terms and the crucial knowledge that constitutes learning targets.



      After learning about environmental sustainability and the impact of people on the world around them, a teacher instructs students to read an article about the recycling process. Students identify ten key vocabulary terms in the article, and record their choices on individual sticky notes. The class compiles the vocabulary terms in one chart and discusses the patterns students observe.


       Strategy Steps

      Use the following five steps to help you implement the Ten Most Important Words strategy.

      1. Provide each student with ten sticky notes.

      2. Have students read or interact with a new source of information, like articles, websites, science data, and so on. The crucial factor is that the source contains plenty of relevant vocabulary-building words for students to choose from.

      3. Instruct students to read or view the content you select and determine what they believe are the ten most important words mentioned. Students write each word they identify on a sticky note.

      4. Using empty wall space or section of the floor, have a student announce a vocabulary word he or she selected and instruct him or her, along with any other students who identified the same term, to adhere their notes to the selected area. As each term is added to the mass, the sticky notes begin to form a giant bar graph depicting the number of times a student identified a key vocabulary word.

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