Coaching Teachers in Bilingual and Dual-Language Classrooms. Alexandra Guilamo

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Coaching Teachers in Bilingual and Dual-Language Classrooms - Alexandra Guilamo

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      • Use learning progressions to anchor learning goals and monitor learning progress (Heritage, 2008; McManus, 2008).

      • Provide meaningful feedback and adjustments that improve instruction for language learners (Heritage, Walqui, & Linquanti, 2012).

      • Enable students to become self-regulated and autonomous learners (Hattie & Timperley, 2007).

      Figure 2.1 offers a list of ideas for formative assessments that coaches can use collaboratively with teachers.

      Visit for a free reproducible version of this figure.

       Use Side-by-Side Rubrics for Content and Language

      Rubrics must account for the combined content, language, literacy, and cultural goals that make up students’ daily experiences as language learners. Bear in mind, too, that students have greater motivation to learn when they see the finish line or goal as something they can attain.

      Side-by-side content and language rubrics offer equitable assessment for all language learners. Side-by-side rubrics describe the success criteria of two separate but interdependent learning objectives. One side shows the success criteria demonstrating the extent to which students master rigorous grade-level learning. The other side shows the success criteria for the complexity of language students use based on their language proficiency levels. The side-by-side rubrics in figure 2.2 (page 28) demonstrate how language learners might need different side-by-side rubrics at various points in their language learning journey.

      Coaches need to help teachers develop these side-by-side rubrics so teachers receive support in how to maintain the rigor of the standards while having reasonable expectations for student language use. Many teachers are clear when discussing content mastery but not as clear when determining what students need to master a goal that makes sense for where they are in their language journey. The use of side-by-side rubrics helps communicate to students that you know they’re still growing, but you expect them to practice the level and complexity of language that they do have. Teachers can differentiate rubrics by changing what they expect from students’ language production based on their language proficiency levels.

      Visit for a free reproducible version of this figure.

      The goal of curating and connecting educators’ successes may seem odd to some coaches who embrace and welcome their shared responsibility to bilingual and dual-language teachers and the students they serve. However, connecting successes should be a goal for all coaches for a number of reasons. First, all learning requires some level of social interaction. We need to discuss and problem solve areas that aren’t quite clear and make sense of learning in light of prior beliefs that may no longer hold true. These social interactions often take much longer than coaches have for any one teacher. Not only that, but connecting successful teachers with colleagues who need support opens the possibility for those teachers to ask for help when they need it the most. Connecting a more successful colleague with one who is struggling has the added benefit of empowering teachers to solve problems without relying on just the observation and feedback cycle as their sole system of support.

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