How Schools Thrive. Susan K. Sparks

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How Schools Thrive - Susan K. Sparks

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       Reflection Questions

       PART II

       CHAPTER 3

       Learning Together—The Power of Collective Inquiry

       Understanding Collective Inquiry

       Coaching Collective Inquiry Routines and Habits

       Promoting a Spirit of Inquiry

       Using the Seven Norms of Collaboration in a PLC

       Example One: Secondary Language Arts Team

       Example Two: Elementary Team

       Coaching a Shift to a Collective Focus

       Coaching to Promote Inquiry Through Questioning

       Coaching to Set a Realistic Vision

       Using the Inquiry SIG and Pathways Tools

       Moving Forward


       Reflection Questions

       CHAPTER 4

       Staying Restless—The Impact of Continuous Improvement

       A Continuum of Professional Practice


       Safe Practice

       Best Practice

       Next Practice

       Reflection and Current Practice

       The PDSA Cycle





       The PDSA Cycle in Action

       A Long-Term Commitment

       The Continuous-Improvement SIG and Pathways Tools

       Moving Forward


       Reflection Questions

       CHAPTER 5

       Being Urgent—The Value of an Action Orientation

       Connecting Learning to the Work

       Doing Action Research

       Understanding the Action Research Process

       Step 1: Identify the Problem and Create a Vision

       Step 2: Learn, Research, and Explore the Literature

       Step 3: Develop and Implement an Action Plan

       Step 4: Observe and Collect Data

       Step 5: Reflect and Share Results

       Applying Findings

       Using the Action-Orientation SIG and Pathways Tools

       Moving Forward


       Reflection Questions

       CHAPTER 6

       Getting Better—The Significance of a Results Orientation

       Creating a Results-Oriented Culture

       Measuring Progress

       Broadening the Definition of Results

       Using the Results-Orientation SIG and Pathways Tools

       Moving Forward


       Reflection Questions

       PART III

       CHAPTER 7

       Assessing a Team’s Current Reality

       Using the Four Stages of Competence

       Coaching Unconsciously Incompetent Teams

       Coaching Consciously Incompetent Teams

       Coaching Consciously Competent Teams

       Coaching Unconsciously Competent Teams

       Coaching the Essential Elements as Teams Move Through the Quadrants

       Moving Through the Quadrants for Collective Inquiry

       Moving Through the Quadrants for Continuous Improvement

       Moving Through the Quadrants for Action Orientation

       Moving Through the Quadrants for Results Orientation

       Moving Forward


       Reflection Questions

       CHAPTER 8

       Believing in Your Team—Creating Collective

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