Nonviolence Ain't What It Used To Be. Shon Meckfessel

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Nonviolence Ain't What It Used To Be - Shon Meckfessel

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often surpassing their more conservative opponents in severity. This bipartisan technocratic (“leave it to the experts”) conquest of the political sphere brought together an apolitical consensus, with little room for openly conflictual approaches. Speaking in the European context with its rather more developed institutional Left, Seferiades and Johnston argue that “in contemporary Western democracies, and on a variety of pretexts, official protest organizations, including several [social movement organizations], trade unions, and, above all, the parties of the Left, tend to approach contentious disruption as a relic of the past. Hoping to secure the consensual resolution of pent-up grievances, nominally contentious organizations are increasingly espousing (often in a dogmatic fashion) the modalities of an exclusively conventional protest repertoire.”20

      The range of permissible political expression narrowed as previous movement leaders found themselves accepted into the institutions they’d once criticized and disrupted, and thus less apt to disrupt them. A culture developed within the Left favoring what scholar Doug McAdam calls a “pluralist prejudice,” which delegitimized and deprived the marginalized of their most, and perhaps their only, means of expressing their political interest:

      Indirect Rule

      After decades of being assured that racial uplift can work by ­trickle-down, disprivileged communities are hesitant to stand up to and take on political leaders who, though ultimately lacking power, resemble the face of progress. The political quiescence resulting from such accumulated hesitation is central to disruptive deficits and has become a central challenge that movements are forced to confront.

      Consumerism and Credit as “Hope”

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