The Roving Tree. Elsie Augustave

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The Roving Tree - Elsie Augustave

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      Unable to think of what this was leading up to, my confusion gave way to irritation and impatience. “Just tell us what happened,” I snapped.

      He covered me with a kind look and softly said, “Hagathe passed away this morning.”

      The room started moving and shutting in on me. Feeling suddenly out of breath, I closed my eyes and inhaled deeply as guilt took me by the neck, choking me. I wanted to cry, but no tears came to my eyes. “Why didn’t you take me to her?” I shouted, casting accusatory eyes at both of my parents, though unsure of why I was blaming them. They turned red, but offered no explanation. My mind drowned in a body of doubts and suspicions. The wood burning in the fireplace crackled and the humming of the fan above the stove grew louder in the room that had gone silent.

      “It was her desire for you to travel to Haiti to pay your last respects,” I heard Dad say. “We’ll take the first flight out to Port-au-Prince.”

      Latham, who sat between Pépé and me, reached for our hands and held them in his. “We have something else to say; something that concerns the two of you.” His grip tightened. “Everything happens for a reason, and I think it’s because of destiny that we are all here in this room with Iris in this time of grief.”

      “What is it?” I asked, convinced the lengthy prelude was to prepare me for more bad news.

      “I tried to bring you and Pépé together,” Latham said, turning to me. “I have even prayed the two of you would eventually discover the truth, but now the day has finally come. Brahami just gave me permission to tell you . . . to tell you that you are half sisters.”

      My vision blurred; my heart fluttered. Speechless, I stared at Pépé with empty eyes. She looked away, wiped her silent tears with a bare hand.

      Anger unreasonably stirred inside me again. “What’s with all these secrets?” I blurted.

      Dad gently put an arm around me, and I buried my head in his chest.

      “I’ll call the airlines,” Mom suddenly announced.

      “Please make a reservation for me too,” Pépé said in a shy voice, fixing tearful eyes on me.

      I wanted to thank her, but no sound came from my mouth. Unrest and resentment seethed inside, challenging me.

      “There’s an American Airlines flight at nine o’clock tomorrow morning,” Mom said, holding her hand over the telephone mouthpiece.

      * * *

      That night, I couldn’t fall asleep. Questions whirled in my head like an endless drum roll. I wanted to know how my natural parents knew each other and, most of all, I wanted to know why my father had never acknowledged me.

      “I have a headache,” I said, entering Mom and Dad’s bedroom.

      “Come here.” Dad signaled for me to sit. I lay on the bed between them and closed my eyes. Mom left the room and returned with a bottle of aspirin and a glass of water.

      “I’m going to try to sleep now,” I said, after swallowing the pills.

      “Do you want to talk for a while?” Mom asked.

      “I don’t know what to say,” I offered, sitting down again.

      “When we get to Haiti, you should talk openly to Brahami,” Mom suggested.

      “Listen to him with an open mind,” Dad added.

      I left the room, pondering how it would feel to meet the man who fathered me and how I was supposed to have an open mind when all I felt was animosity.

      Just as I was reaching to turn off the lamp, I heard a knock at the door.

      “How are you feeling?” Pépé asked, as she stepped in.

      “Fine. Just fine,” I said, looking into her puffy red eyes.

      “May I sit down?” I ignored the question, but she sat at the foot of the bed anyway. “I don’t understand why Papa never mentioned you.” She paused, as if waiting for a reaction from me. “I wonder if my mother knows about you.”

      I can still hear the urgency and intensity in her voice.

      “What difference does it make? She wasn’t the one who screwed my mother,” I responded in a flash of malice. I watched her delicate features tense up. Her hazel eyes suddenly seemed deeper and darker. I turned away from her, faced the wall, and heard her say good night before closing the door.

      Half an hour later, I was still awake with thoughts of having mistreated Pépé. I eventually fell asleep, wondering how to apologize. I expected to see a reproachful look when I saw her the next morning, but there was only forgiveness. No words were needed, yet a tidal wave of regret still washed over me.

      * * *

      The plane hovered above the Caribbean Sea. The sadness of the circumstances overshadowed the happiness to see the not-so-familiar land of high mountains. After going through customs and immigration, Pépé guided us toward a man in a pastel yellow guayabera and white pants. He stood before me, seemingly anxious. Unsure of what to do, I extended a hand. He flashed a nervous smile, and when he embraced me I could feel his heart race. As he lead us out of the crowded airport, beggars reached out with bare, ashy hands.

      Perched on top of a hill in an elegant suburban neighborhood, Brahami’s villa stood behind a garden of tropical flowers and palm trees. Pépé’s mother sat on the veranda, fanning herself with a newspaper. She looked beautiful in a sky-blue, spaghetti-strap dress. Hair pulled back in a ponytail, her delicate features glowed, and I admired her striking beauty and regal frame.

      * * *

      Pépé and I sat by the pool at the back of the house, under the mild late-afternoon sun. “I’m sorry I talked to you the way I did when you came to my room last night,” I told her.

      “It’s okay. I know you were upset.” She smiled graciously, though there was sadness in her eyes. “I’m going to join Cynthia in the pool,” she announced, as she stood and walked away.

      Left alone, I thought about the fact that in just a few hours I had lost a mother, discovered my friend was my half-sister, and met an estranged father. I gave in to the sun’s warm caress and dozed off on the lounge chair, exhausted from my emotional upheaval and lack of sleep.

      About an hour later, Brahami’s footsteps on the gravel woke me. “May I join you?” he asked, taking the seat where Pépé had sat earlier. We glanced at each other for less than a second, and an awkward silence engulfed us. “I owe you an explanation, but I don’t know where to begin,” he said.

      My eyes roamed over his tall frame, looking for his biological traits that I might have inherited. I suddenly felt self-conscious about staring shamelessly. I continued to silently observe him, and stared into his expressive, deep brown eyes.

      The complexity of my feelings took me to an unfamiliar place. “You don’t have to explain anything,” I told him, assuming a detached tone. Dad’s voice rang in my mind, urging me to keep an open mind, reminding me that I needed to engage in a conversation with Brahami, to find out about his relationship

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