It’s Not About the Pie. Nicki Corinne White

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It’s Not About the Pie - Nicki Corinne White

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decorating ideas you want for your own home pop into your head.

      I am an artist. I have always made things for my home and love decorating but

      I am also a busy person and not a perfectionist. Sometimes my home has that

      lived-in look—most the time, actually. I would like to think it’s my heart-attitude of

      hospitality, of trying to bless from the heart, that is what I hope everyone feels when

      they enter my home today. You will notice I use the word


      and not


      ; a

      house is just a building, but to my mind, a “home” is a happening, an ongoing place

      of feeling embraced.

      What about my home? Well, I have many interesting items. Maybe I have painted a

      mural on the wall or made a new floral arrangement, but I have also been busy in

      the kitchen or studying at the table. People often comment on how much they love

      my home, but many people have also said to me over the years, “Your house looks



      , Nicki.” What does that mean, exactly? My house does not always

      look great. I know I have stacks of stuff here or there and I am always in the middle

      of a project. My best friend has an amazingly gorgeous home, and I do wish I could

      always have mine ready for guests. She is an inspiration to me so that I may be able

      to also have my home ready for people to enter. Proverbs 27:17 says, “Iron sharpens

      iron.” In this case, I’d say that seeing my friend’s immaculate, heaven-smelling house

      motivates me every time I visit and causes me to work on those areas where I am not


      gifted. I’ve learned that an immaculate house is not a sometimes thing; you’ve got

      to work at it. However, knowing I will never realize perfection, I have to acknowledge

      that my best efforts at entertaining are going to be “imperfect.” Despite this, I intend

      to entertain with a heart full of love. My aspiration is to have Christian love be what

      they notice and remember most after a visit! Meanwhile, I still want to serve others

      and use my home as a welcoming place. This has been a passion of mine for the

      past thirty years. How can I embrace who I am and the gifts that I have and use them

      to the fullest? Since we are all gifted in different ways, let us use what we have to

      welcome others. I love decorating. I love having people over. I love helping others and

      welcoming people into my home—and not just my friends or family. My aspiration is

      to be a blessing to anyone who crosses my path who is in a time of need.

      The purpose of this book is to try to inspire every reader to entertain others, no matter

      how opulent or humble your circumstances. Hopefully, it will offer you a few ideas that

      you can use for entertaining. No matter who we are or what kind of space we live in, we

      can all share what we have with others because HOSPITALITY is a heart thing.

      It’s Not About the Pie

      reflects the concept that things do not have to be perfect to welcome

      someone into your home. Because it is not about having a fancy home or perfect meal,

      but about making someone feel loved, cared for, and like they can drop in anytime.

      People who know me now may say, “Well, it’s easy for you to have people into your

      home. You have a nice house.” I assure you that has not always been the case. I did

      not grow up in a home where I could have friends over, so I did not learn much

      about entertaining in that era of my life. After we married, my husband and I started

      to practice hospitality. I started with the people in my own home. It’s a lot easier


      to entertain when your spouse knows you care about him most of all, and it’s a lot

      easier to get his help, too!

      Our newlywed first home was 350 square feet, and we loved to invite people over. Over

      the years, I have hosted many less than perfect events and have blessed people in good

      times and in tough times. Everyone likes feeling like they matter, like someone cares

      about them. One key to my success in entertaining? I learned to adapt using limited

      resources and to use my space for whatever might be needed. How, you might ask? It’s

      so easy, you won’t believe it. Heart costs nothing. Always let everything you do be done

      with love, and I promise that people will notice and will want to return.

      All that love in your heart is going to want some recipes. I have included some of my

      favorite recipes that I like to use whenever I entertain; most of them have been working

      for me for decades, so please use, modify, and enjoy them! I’ve also included some quick-

      fix ideas for decorating and some tips on how to successfully start opening your home

      to others. My favorite parts of this book are the places where I will share stories of how

      others have inspired me in my growth as a Christian woman trying to minister hope and

      hospitality. They are who I learned from. I’ve included them so you can also learn from

      their examples. Ways I have learned to share what I have, even if things aren’t optimal. It

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