Any Last Words?. Joseph Hayden

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Any Last Words? - Joseph Hayden

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      Jane Austen only published four novels in her lifetime and two more posthumously. This means that her film-adaptation-to-novel ratio is somewhere in the neighborhood of ten thousand to one.

      Austen’s name never appeared on the covers of her novels during her lifetime. Sense and Sensibility was credited as being written “By A Lady,” and all subsequent novels were billed as being by the author of Sense and Sensibility.

      Austen died at age forty-one of a combination of Addison’s disease and Hodgkin’s lymphoma. At first, she apologized for her illness, making light of it and seeing it as weakness in herself, but, by the end of a long hard fight, she was sadly ready to go:

      “I want nothing but death.”

      Sir Arthur Conan Doyle (1859–1930)

      Conan Doyle is almost as interesting as the characters he created. The writer was a doctor, a botanist, a sailor, an adventurer, an amateur architect, and a politician. He even studied the occult and mysticism. And, amidst all this, he still found time to create the many adventures of Sherlock Holmes.

      Conan Doyle was also something of a sportsman. He boxed, played goalkeeper in soccer, and was on an amateur cricket team that also featured A. A. Milne and J. M. Barrie.

      After his first wife died of tuberculosis, he married Jean Elizabeth Leckie, who became the love of his life. When he died in his garden of a heart attack at age seventy-one, his last words were to her:

      “You are wonderful.”

      Eugene O’Neill (1888–1953)

      The Pulitzer Prize–winning playwright of The Ice Man Cometh and Long Day’s Journey into Night, among other works, Eugene O’Neill was known as one of the great realist American writers.

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