Why We Love Star Wars. Ken Napzok

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Why We Love Star Wars - Ken Napzok

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the Finalizer let us know that Star Wars was definitely back.

      The sequence comes just under twenty minutes into The Force Awakens. The first act is done, and we too are ready to break out just as these characters are. This is a literal smashing into the second act. Whereas the first twenty minutes of the movie did let fans relax just a little, we were still waiting to exhale. Laser blasts and lightsabers had already made an appearance, but by this point fans wanted to feel fully entrenched into a Star Wars movie.

      So, enter traditional Star Wars bells and whistles (almost literally). The classic “Force Theme” rises as a music cue when our new heroes meet, and the pacing picks up while the tension builds aboard a very familiar Star Wars landscape—the hanger of the bad guys! And much like the events inside the Death Star in A New Hope, we are immersed into the situation with mumbled intercom broadcasts, marching troops, and mouse droids. We’ve been here before and we’re starting to get cozy.

      The actual breakout includes an amazing new sound—the sputtering of the stolen TIE fighter—but even that gives way to classic sound of a TIE fighter roaring through space. For many fans, right here, right now, is the first time they’ve seen and heard a classic Star Wars space fighter since 1983! That’s not a judgement on the prequels at all, it’s just the reality of the situation and, as Finn and Poe race from under the belly of the First Order’s beast, blasting cannons along the way, this absolutely feels like Star Wars.

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